Good evening parents,

Following the very late announcement by our Prime Minister that all primary schools are closed with immediate effect, as part of the national lockdown, we need you to take the following action:

On Tuesday 5th January, we are closed to ALL pupils.

We need all parents to complete the form below as a matter of urgency by midday on Tuesday 5th.

Vulnerable /Critical worker form

We will contact parents tomorrow afternoon to verify eligibility of critical worker status (see government guidance) which you will be asked to provide evidence of. We will then be in a position to confirm whether your child has a school place from Wednesday 6th January.

Depending on numbers, we may have to prioritise which children can attend school as it is vital that numbers are as low as possible. Please support us in protecting our staff, children and families, and the wider community.

Please note if you do not complete the form, you will not be guaranteed a place for your child even if you are eligible.

We know this will undoubtedly cause disruption to you as working parents. The education of your children remains our first priority and remote learning will be provided for all children at home from Wednesday 6th January. Further details will follow tomorrow and we ask that you continue to check the website, Class Dojo and Tapestry.

Please stay safe and look after yourselves.

Mrs Johnson and staff x

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