Weekly News 09.02.24
Hi everyone,
We hope you all have a good half term holiday and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 19th February.
Mrs Johnson and staff x
P S I’ve reminded the children about keeping safe over half term and nobody returning with any limbs in plaster!
After School Clubs after half term
Clubs Letter Spring Term 2 2024
Key information about vaping and young people
The website below may be of interest to families with older children.
Half Term Happiness
Please see below a Half Term Happiness sheet from www.katiethehappinesscoach.co.uk
Worksheet Feb Half Term_english
Uniform reminders
Please see a reminder of our uniform expectations below. If you need support with providing uniform for your child, please speak to Mrs Johnson or the office staff in confidence.
Children should not be wearing PE kit / leggings / trainers to school unless it is their PE day or Forest School for Willow class, or Mrs Johnson has agreed to adaptations being made for your child. Thank you.
Uniform Expectations
We have been informed of a few cases of headlice in school this week. For more infomation on treatments etc, please visit the NHS website. Thank you in advance for your support.