Weekly News 08.03.24
Hi everyone,
We’ve had a lovely week in school and it was wonderful to see children (and staff!) enjoying our World Book Day activities yesterday. Well done to all the children for their competition entries and for their imaginative extreme reading locations, including sitting in Darwin’s Oak, hanging from a climbing wall, in a swimming pool, nursing baby lambs, to name but a few.
Here’s a taste of what we got up to on World Book Day …
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Johnson x
HAF Programme Easter Holidays
Red Nose Day – Friday 15th March
Next Friday, we are fundraising for Comic Relief Red Nose Day through a non-uniform day and cake sale. Children can wear red or ‘dress for joy’ by wearing something that makes them or others happy! We would like everyone to pay £1 for wearing non-uniform and donations can be sent into school or made on our JustGiving page
We would also welcome donations of cakes/biscuits to sell at breaktime but nothing containing nuts please. It would be helpful if you could attach the list of ingredients in home-made products (for allergy reasons.) Children can bring in cash for the cake sale which will be paid into our JustGiving account. Thank you in advance for your support.
Spring Term Parent Meetings Wednesday 20th March
The booking system is now open for our Spring term parent meetings. These will be held in school on Wednesday 20th March.
If your child has a learning plan, your child’s teacher may offer you an alternative day and time to meet and they will contact you individually.
The link to the booking system is here.
Giant Vegetable Competition – seeds available