Weekly News 01.12.23
Hello everyone,
I hope this week’s newsletter finds you well and that you are managing to keep warm in this chilly weather!
Goodbye and Good Luck
We are sorry to inform you that Miss Richardson will be leaving Bicton next Friday. We are very sad to see her go but we thank her for all she has done at Bicton and we wish her the best of luck in her new job!
KS2 Performances – 13th and 14th December
Tickets will go on sale next week for the KS2 performances. We will send out a message at the start of the week with details of costs and how to purchase.
Christmas Events
A letter about all Christmas events will be sent home on Monday.
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Johnson x
Leave of Absence Request
If you are planning on taking your child out of school for 1 day or more, a ‘Leave of Absence’ form MUST be completed and returned to school prior to the date of the absence. A child’s absence will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.
A form is not required for medical appointments but you must still inform school or nursery if your child is attending an appointment during school hours. Depending on the circumstances, we may request proof of the appointment e.g. a letter or message from the relevant person.
This is part of our safeguarding procedures and we thank you in advance for adhering to these procedures.
Snow and Bad Weather Procedures
Please see a reminder of our snow procedures below.
Snow and Bad Weather Policy and Procedures December 2023
Please ensure your child brings a coat to school in this colder weather. Thank you
December News in Severn Loop
Dear Friends,
Advent begins! The December Loop is attached – packed full of information about festive services. Our next Forest Church isn’t until the 25th February, but in the meantime you might like to come to the pub in Bomere Heath and sing some carols from 6pm this coming Tuesday, or visit the Christmas Tree Festival at Leaton (details in the Loop).
WIth love and blessings this advent time,
Hannah x
Private tutoring
We are aware that children in some schools receive support outside school with a private tutor. If you currently use or are considering using the services of a private tutor, we urge you to check that they have the appropriate credentials and safer recruitment checks in place. Thank you.
Height and weight checks for children in Reception and Year 6
Please see a reminder of the letter below from NHS for children in Reception and Year 6 only . The Opt Out form on the final page of the letter must be returned to school before the school nurse visits on Wednesday 6th December if you do not want your child to take part.
NCMP Parent letter PRE-MEASURE 23-24 Yr6&Rec
Christmas shop donations
Thank you for the amazing response to our Christmas gift shop. We still have a few gifts for sale so the shop will be open again next week until everything is sold!
PCC John Campion launches mini police officer competition
As part of Road Safety Week, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) John Campion is proud to be launching his mini police officer poster competition.
Through his Safer West Mercia Plan, the PCC is committed to reducing harm on our roads and wants to ensure children get to school safely.
As such, the PCC is launching a poster designing competition to understand what road safety looks like to young people and is asking young people to demonstrate “how I get to school safely”.
Winning schools will get a “mini police officer” sign that can be placed outside to remind road users to “Slow down” or “Think before you park”.
We would LOVE to win a “mini police officer” sign for our school and we encourage children to take part. If your child wants to enter the competition, they can collect an entry form from the school office. We may also have time before the end of term to design some posters in school.
Please return all entries to the school office by Monday 18th December so that we can scan and email them to the organisers before the Friday 22nd December deadline.
Football Club – Fridays
Passmaster encourages children to bring in extra layers when they attend after-school clubs. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for them to participate fully and get the most out of the session. We encourage hats, gloves, skins, a light windproof or waterproof coat.
Football boots and shin pads are essential for football clubs.
Thank you.