Head of School Message
Dear parents/carers,
Lots of fun things have been happening in school this week with our Year 3/4 class exploring habitats and invertebrates at Preston Montford Field Studies Council, our brand new pupil council (self-named the ‘Safety Soldiers’) running an online safety worship and hosting a game design competition, and Mr Harris and the Environmental Warriors Council organising for us to join in with the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch next week. Mr Foreman is our new Creative Curriculum Council lead and he met with the children this week to share some ideas they have about how we can enhance their learning experiences in school – watch this space!
Our WOW Ambassadors are continuing the track how children are travelling to school to encourage active travel in our community. Now that the mornings are getting lighter, please consider walking/cycling/scooting to school instead of driving. This will help the environment, reduce congestion in our carpark, and help keep our children physically and mentally healthy.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Mavin
Award Winners
Well done to this weeks award winners!
Linda for showing amazing learning in phonics.
Christian for always being kind and respectful.
Hannah for showing joy during our pond dipping session on our school trip to Preston Montford.
Joshua for always trying his best in English.
Niamh for writing amazing poems in English.
Elliot for always having a positive attitude.

Soup in Willow class
In DT this term, Willow class have been learning all about soup and the fruits and vegetables that can be used. Today they had a go at making their very own, they chopped, blended and most importantly tasted!
Dance Workshop – Wednesday 5th March 2025.
As part of our ‘World Book Day’ celebrations in March, we have been extremely lucky to secure the company ‘West End in Schools’ to visit our school and carry out bespoke dance workshops. The workshops will be centred around a well known book. The children will have a different book for each key stage, which will be appropriate to their age group. This event is extremely popular and we have been trying to book them for a couple of years, so we are thrilled to offer this to our children this year. This will take place on Wednesday, 5th March.
For this exciting event to take place, we are asking for a contribution of £5.00 per child towards the cost. Contributions must be made through sQuid. Please make your payment by Friday 28th February 2025.
If you feel you are not in a position to contribute towards the event would you please email Mrs Mavin. This is because if a significant number of families are unable to support us the cost falls to the school budget and we may not be able to run the event.
Maple class visit to Field Studies Council Preston Montford
Maple class enjoyed a school trip to Field Studies Council Preston Montford today as part of our Science topic ‘Living things and their habitats’. We enjoyed an invertebrate hunt in the morning where we grouped our living things using their characteristics, and we had lots of fun taking part in a pond dipping session in the afternoon.