Head of School Message
Firstly, a huge thank you again for so many of you joining us at our Harvest Service this morning. We were able to take a huge number of donations to the Shrewsbury Food Bank thanks to your generosity and we are very grateful for all of your support.
As the colder weather draws in, please ensure your child is suitably equipped for cold playtimes with a coat, and hat and gloves if necessary. We are very much hoping the sunshine stays out for our Gardening Day tomorrow.! Please join anytime from 9am for as long as you are able to.
If we don’t see you tomorrow, have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Mavin
Staffing updates
Mrs Erasmus
Mrs Erasmus began her maternity leave this week ahead of her baby’s imminent arrival! We wish her and her husband the best of luck as they prepare to welcome a little brother or sister for Florence. We will keep you updated!
Birch Class
Mrs Benyon will not be returning to Birch Class and Mrs Hilton will continue to teach on Mondays and Tuesdays in the interim. Please say hello if you see her at the classroom door!
Be Internet Legends
To make the most of the internet, children need to make smart decisions. Be Internet Legends empowers younger children to use the web safely and wisely, so they can be confident explorers of the online world.

Rowan’s Marathon
One of our Year 6 pupils has taken on a wonderful fundraising mission in a bid to raise money for our school:
“I am walking a marathon during October to raise money for Bicton School. I initially wanted to raise money for people who couldn’t afford to go on trips but Mrs Mavin said she would speak to the teachers to see what we could spend the money on and I think their idea is better. So now I am walking to raise money to buy playground games that everyone can enjoy. I wanted to do this because we now live 1.1 mile from school and I have started walking home, and we also go for walks after tea, and I thought it would be a good idea to raise money for the school by getting people to sponsor me for walking! I thought it would be cool to walk a Marathon as that is a long way, 26.2miles. First I wanted to raise £500, but we have beaten that, we now want to raise at least £750. If you want to sponsor me, it doesn’t matter if it’s 50p, every bit will be spent on games for us to play with. We are going to put a bucket in reception so you can put money in if you want to. Thank you!” Rowan Leeding
Olivia’s Dark Run
Message from Olivia C in Year 5:
“I’m doing a 5K called the Dark Run to raise money for a charity called Hope House with my mum and her work. I’m raising money for this charity because it helps poorly children and their families at their time of need. Any donation no matter how small would make a massive difference and I would be so grateful. Thank you.”
Please speak to Olivia or her mum Sophie if you would like to donate. Well done Olivia, we’re very proud of you!

Award Winners
A big well done to this week’s award winners!
Elsie for perseverance and always trying her best.
George for the kindness he shows to others.
Laurence for his perseverance in maths.
Isabella and Immy for always showing kindness.
Jade for being amazing in her dance lessons.
Oliver for always being prepared and ready to learn.

Parent Drop-Ins
Good afternoon parents/carers,
We have a slight timetable clash with our parent drop-ins on Wednesday 23rd October.
Each class will be showcasing their PE dance performances at 2.45pm – 3.15pm in the hall so the parent drop-ins will be from 2-2.30pm and 3.30-5.30pm.
Many thanks, Mrs Mavin