The teaching of mathematics aims to develop learners who are fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, are able to reason mathematically and can apply their skills and knowledge to solve problems. The following areas are covered throughout the mathematics curriculum:
Number – place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and fractions.
Measurement – length/height, mass/weight, capacity/volume, money and time.
Geometry – properties of shapes, position and direction.
Statistics – collecting and interpreting data.
Number – place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and fractions (including decimals and percentages).
Measurement – length/height, mass/weight, capacity/volume, money and time, converting different units of measurement.
Geometry – properties of shapes, position and direction.
Statistics – collecting and interpreting data, use of scales.
Ratio and Proportion – linked to shape, fractions, multiplication and division.
Algebra – use simple formulae, express missing number problems algebraically.
We provide a hands-on approach to the teaching of mathematics as much as possible, using a wide range of resources, including apparatus, games, laptops and iPads. To develop children’s confidence in applying their skills to different contexts, we present the teaching and learning of mathematics from real-life contexts as much as possible, as well as through a range of subjects.
Please follow the link below for a breakdown of the National Curriculum objectives within each mathematical area for each year group.
Mathematics programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2
Maths Long Term Plan
WRM calculation policy 2024 All year groups