Special Experiences to Remember
Our pupils take part in outward bound activities and thoroughly relish all outdoor learning opportunities. Our Early Years Foundation Stage children enjoy regular sessions in our onsite Forest School area, and our Year 5 and 6 children visit Arthog for an outward bound visit each summer.
All classes enjoy at least one visit each year to extend their learning. In addition to this, we also arrange for external educators to visit school; this brings experiences into the classroom which really helps children’s learning come to life.
At our school, children take part and compete in many sporting fixtures throughout the yearly calendar, both at home and away. Events include football, dodgeball, tennis, hockey, cross country and many more. In Year 5 and 6 we also complete bikeability training.
Community Links
We work closely with the Bicton Heath Midcounties Co-op and visit their store regularly throughout the year for community projects such as Fairtrade Fortnight. Another project includes working with executives from the Co-op and staff from the Bicton Heath store to address the issue of plastic pollution, which has included carrying out litter picks in our local area.