Starting out in a new environment with lots of new faces can be a challenge for little ones. Some children settle in remarkably quickly, whereas others can be a little more wary. In order to make this transition from home life to nursery time as smooth as possible, we think that it’s vital for parents and nursery staff to work together to help the child feel confident and secure in the group. Every child is different and parents should not feel worried if their child takes a while to settle. Parents and carers are asked to please share any worries or issues with the nursery staff. We believe in good communication at all times between home and nursery to ensure continuity and to give your child the best possible experiences to support their learning and development. Before your child starts we welcome you and your child to attend a taster session where they can get a feel of the nursery, the types of activities on offer and meet all of the staff. To help your child feel comfortable in their surroundings they may wish to bring in a comforter from home; we keep these in a basket which they can access if and when they need to. We also have a special ‘family area’ where we display photographs of people who are important to your child. This helps the children to share home life experiences with the staff and other children.
Starting Nursery – For you
The first time you leave your child in the care of another can be more daunting for you than it is for your child. During those first few days, when you and your child are in a new routine, we will provide reassurance and support,answer any questions you may have and give you feedback at the end of your child’s day. It is important to us that both children and parents alike feel comfortable with us and can rely on the great level of care that our staff provide for the children.
You can find out more about the first steps in joining our Nursery on these pages:
Nursery – Admissions and Costs