You can read about the people who make up our board of governors below. If you would like to read official governance documents relating to our school, you can visit our governance page under our ‘Key Info’ section:
Governance Documents
Governing Body
At Bicton C. E. Primary School and Nursery, our Governing Body is made up of the Head teacher, a member of our teaching staff, our vicar, a foundation governor, parent governors who are nominated by other parents, a Local Authority governor and 2 co-opted governors.
As part of our school leadership team, our governors provide challenge in their role in self evaluation and school improvement planning. They play a much-valued role in helping to raise and maintain standards.
Governors meet throughout the school year with one full Governing Body meeting each term, as well as sub-committee meetings several times a year, with specific ‘duties’ linked to different aspects of school life. Our Governing Body strives to provide the best possible education for all of our pupils.
The Head teacher meets regularly with the Chair of Governors to discuss progress towards school improvement priorities.
Link governors visit school regularly during the year to visit classes, talk to pupils and meet with staff.
(During the Covid-19 pandemic, our Governing Body met in person where possible and some meetings were held remotely where necessary.)
Governor Newsletter July 2023
Governor Newsletter July 2022
Governor Newsletter December 2021
Governor Newsletter March 2021
Governor Newsletter November 2020
We are lucky enough to have an excellent team of governors at Bicton. Full details of each member can be seen below:
Mr John Street – Chair – Co-opted

I am very privileged to become the Chair of Governors and I can bring to the role my 15 years’ experience as a Community Governor for the school along with my professional skills and experience in the areas of building strong and healthy relationships, managing and delivering change and personnel management.
I have spent thirty-eight years working in the retail industry, with the last 15 years at the Midcounties Co-operative which operates the Co-op Food stores in and around Shrewsbury.
My role with Midcounties is around business transformation and I have significant experience in delivering change and in operational and people management. I hope to use these skills to support Julie and Eleanor as the school enters the newly created academy trust to ensure a smooth and seamless transition. At the heart of everything are the children and we will all work together to ensure that their interests always come first and that the school continues to inspire them and fulfil all their educational and development needs.
Outside of work family takes centre stage and I have two teenage children now at university who have completed their journey through primary education allowing me to experience the early years educational perspective as a parent and to see the challenges faced by primary education.
Having worked closely with the school for 15 years, I continue to be impressed by the role it takes and fulfils in serving the local community and I am keen to ensure that it continues to prosper and shine. I look forward to meeting and engaging with you and please feel to contact me via email at
John Street
Committee Membership
Appeals – Chair
Premises, Security and Health and Safety – Chair
Staff Discipline/Staff Dismissal Appeals
Re-appointment date – November 2022
Term of office end date – 15/11/2026
Mrs Eleanor Mavin – Head of School

Committee Membership
Standards and Curriculum
Re-appointment date – February 2024
Term of office end date – 07/02/2028
Mrs Julie Ball – Executive Headteacher

Committee Membership
Finance and General Personnel
Premises, Security and Health and Safety
Salaries and Performance Management
Standards and Curriculum
Term of office end date – Ex officio
Miss Janet Leake – Foundation

“I have worked for over 30 years teaching primary school age children. For me, every child deserves access to a well-rounded education, in a safe and encouraging environment. As Foundation Governor, I hope that I can use my experience to support the school, in maintaining its Christian ethos and developing resilience for the future.”
Committee Membership
Appeals (reserve)
Complaints – Chair
Finance and General Personnel (reserve)
Pupil Discipline
Salaries and Performance Management
Staff Discipline/Staff Dismissal Appeals
Standards and Curriculum – Chair
Re-appointment date – September 2023
Term of office end date – 04/09/2027
Reverend Hannah Lins – Foundation

“My real passion is for affirming and encouraging people in the fullness of their identity. So I believe that education should be holistic, attending to those things that aren’t measurable and yet form our character: like our capacity for kindness, our community spirit, our awareness of our environment, and our sense of the divine- of God at work in our lives. At Bicton School this is an enormous strength – there is a real commitment to helping children to recognise themselves as unique, complex, members of something bigger and all equally valued. I hope that as a governor I can be part of that holy ground – where children are given the space to ask the big questions, to explore themselves and the world around them and to have confidence in who they are and the place we each have in our life together.”
Committee Membership
Appeals – Clerk
Complaints – Clerk
Staff Discipline/Staff Dismissal – Clerk
Foundation Governor at Bomere Heath C E Primary School
Appointment date – July 2021
Term of office end date – July 2025
Mrs Marian Owoniyi – Parent

Committee Membership
Premises, Security and Health and Safety (reserve)
Pupil Discipline (reserve)
Staff Discipline/Staff Dismissal (reserve)
Appointment date – June 2022
Term of office end date – 30/06/2026
Mr Ian Simons – Parent

Committee Membership
Premises, Security and Health and Safety – Clerk
Staff Discipline/Staff Dismissal – Chair
Appointment date – June 2022
Term of office end date – 30/06/2026
Mrs Sian Tiplady – Parent

Committee Membership
Staff Discipline/Staff Dismissal
Standards and Curriculum (reserve)
Appointment date – June 2022
Term of office end date – 30/06/2026