Friends Of Bicton School

FOBS is our school friends charity association which exists to raise valuable extra funds to support a range of school facilities and services.
Our friends association create wonderful social opportunities for our whole school community with activities and events including discos, barbecues, movie nights, themed entertainment evenings for parents and much more. All parents and carers play a part in FOBS, but it is driven each year by those who take their turn within a select committee. We are extremely grateful to our FOBS committee for the hard work that they do to make the children’s time at our school even more rewarding.

See Our Upcoming Events
If you have a fundraising idea or a donation to make, then please contact FOBS via our school office.
Telephone: 01743 850212
Click on the Events tab to see the events that FOBS have organised recently or log into our Parents’ Area to read the latest news from FOBS:
Parents’ Area – FOBS news