Bicton CE Primary School is a Church of England school and part of the Lichfield Diocese. We have very close links with Bicton Holy Trinity Church in the village; our Reverend and other members of the Church are very much part of our school and lead worship in our school regularly throughout the year.
All children experience daily worship together, as whole-school or class worship. This is a special part of the day where children and staff come together to pray to and say thanks to God, reflect on the teachings of Jesus and how these relate to our Christian values and attitudes, and share and celebrate each others’ achievements and successes. The whole school also celebrate the main Christian festivals. In accordance with the requirements of the 1988 Act, worship is broadly within the Christian tradition. All parents have the right to withdraw their children from both R.E. and Collective Worship.
In addition to the worship that takes place in school, we visit the church regularly to celebrate significant Christian festivals. We also hold our Christmas Carol Service and Nativity in the Church which are always very poignant occasions. Our children attend workshops at the Church linked to Harvest, Easter and Christmas and take part in community events such as the village summer fete.
We focus on a different Christian value each half-term which we relate to the Bible and to everyday school life. Our value for the the first half of the autumn term is perseverance, where we have discussed how we persevere in and out of school when things are challenging and thought about how ‘nothing is impossible.’
Our provision for Religion Education and Worship are often linked and provide opportunities for pupils and staff to share, embrace and develop their spiritual understanding.
Collective Worship Policy October 2017
Religious Education Policy June 2017
SMSC Policy January 2019