Award Winners

Well done to this weeks award winners!

Linda for showing amazing learning in phonics.

Christian for always being kind and respectful.

Hannah for showing joy during our pond dipping session on our school trip to Preston Montford.

Joshua for always trying his best in English.

Niamh for writing amazing poems in English.

Elliot for always having a positive attitude.

Soup in Willow class

In DT this term, Willow class have been learning all about soup and the fruits and vegetables that can be used. Today they had a go at making their very own, they chopped, blended and most importantly tasted!

Parent Drop-Ins

Good afternoon parents/carers,
We have a slight timetable clash with our parent drop-ins on Wednesday 23rd October.
Each class will be showcasing their PE dance performances at 2.45pm – 3.15pm in the hall so the parent drop-ins will be from 2-2.30pm and 3.30-5.30pm.
Many thanks, Mrs Mavin

EYFS donations

Thank you for the donations received this term for our Early Years areas – the children and staff are so grateful!

Please see an updated ‘wish list’ below and we thank you in advance for anything you are able to donate.

NEW EYFS poster March 23

Willow Class Home Learning 10.03.23

Here are some ideas for work you can do at home today.  I am sure lots of you will be getting out in the snow, making snowmen, snow angels, snowballs and sledging.  We would love to see snowy day activity photos on Tapestry.
Read Write inc –  
If your child has a sound blending book, please practise reading the words – Fred Talk, say the word.
Handwriting – all children in Reception were given a green Set 1 book .  Your child can use this to practise writing out some of the letters, especially the ones in their name.  They can also use a notebook/paper or get a stick and write letters in the snow.
GROUP 1: (Mrs Walker)  – Practise the ‘sh’ sound           Fred Games

GREEN Group (Mrs Allen)  – Practise the sound ‘oy’              Hold a sentence (you will need a paper and pencil)

Year 1: Please check on Tapestry for the sounds your child should be practising

GREEN Group (Mrs Allen)  –      Hold a sentence (you will need a paper and pencil)

ORANGE Group (Mrs Haycocks) Hold a sentence (you will need a paper and pencil)

YELLOW Group (Mrs Law) – Hold a sentence (you will need a paper and pencil)

Read the Book Bag book in your child’s Reading Wallet.

Reception – Counting back from 10


Famous Explorers – Neil Armstrong lesson

Yoga – Mike and Mutnik on the Moon

Story time books (we would have had a library session today) –
Whatever next

Toys in Space

Have a lovely day and weekend.

Mrs Bowes

Wintery Welly Wednesday session

The children were really excited to visit the Forest School area this afternoon.  Our first session of the New Year and there was snow!  The children enjoyed making snow sculptures, writing and drawing in the snow, using the magnifying glasses to examine the ice/snow in closer detail, baking snow cakes and looking at all the different tread prints/patterns their wellington boots made.

The Three Little Pigs

Good Morning Acorns and Willow Class.  Ms Stone, myself and staff hope you have all had a super weekend.

Thank you for all the lovely feedback from last week’s story, we especially enjoyed seeing videos of the children retelling the story.

This week our story is The 3 Little Pigs, once again presented by Ms Stone.  Enjoy, we hope you have a good week.

Mrs Bowes & Ms Stone