Junk Modelling instrument homework fun

On Thursday the 27th of February, the we will be having a Mardi Gras celebration day. The colours of Mardi Gras are Green, gold and purple, and we would like all the children to come to school wearing one, two or even all of those colours on that day.

On the day we will have a parade around school wearing our masks and playing our instruments, plus lots more Carnival fun.

Over the half term we would like children in Class 1 to make a musical instrument to bring into school on the first week back.  We would love to see what they can create using empty cereal boxes/tubes/ food packaging etc.  Don’t forget to put photos up on Tapestry of their creating.

The children will then get a chance to show the rest of the class their handiwork and the whole class will use them as part of our Mardi Gras celebrations.

We are also collecting junk modelling so that the children can do more junk modelling during Child Initiated times.

For ideas – https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/musical-instruments

Thank you


Mrs Bowes

Read Write inc

This week we looked at the digraph – ‘oo’ – Look at a book and the digraph ‘ar’ – start the car.

oo short


We have continued to read Ditties and do Word time activities linked to Set 1 sounds.  Most children have written independent sentences based on the ditties they have read or sentences based on word time words.  We have also looked at tricky red words – of, my, the, I, to

Here are links to all the word time activities to go with Set 1 sounds.










set 1 sounds and words – Set-1-Sounds-PowerPoint       green words 1

set 2 sounds and words – set_2_sounds      green words 2

Red Words (non decodable) – red words


Bean plants homework project

Class 1 children were all excited to take home their bean stalks.  Over the last few weeks the children have  carefully monitored the growth and compared whose has grown the tallest / most each day.  They were also very good at making sure they all got watered.

We would like you and your child to keep a record of their bean and how well it continues to grow.  I look forward to seeing updates on Tapestry.

It seems a long time ago since we planted them!

Read, Write inc

We have continued to read and write words containing Set 1 sounds green words 1 PDF 

Useful booklets for revision at home:

Word-Time-Book-1 Word-Time-Book-2 Word-Time-Book-3 Word-Time-Book-4 Word-Time-Book-5 Word-Time-Book-6

This week we have revised and written sentences with words containing:   ng, nk, sh and ch.   This booklet is useful to reinforce these sounds at home – .Word-Time-Book-7

We have also revised set 2 words.green words 2 PDF

Half term Junk model instruments and Mardi Gras

On Tuesday 6th of March the we will be having a Mardi Gras celebration day. The colours of Mardi Gras are Green, gold and purple, and we would like all the children to come to school wearing one, two or even all of those colours on that day.

On the day we will have a parade around school wearing our masks and playing our instruments, plus lots more Carnival fun.

Over the half term we would like children in Class 1 to make a musical instrument to bring into school on the first week back.  We would love to see what they can create using empty cereal boxes/tubes/ food packaging etc.  Don’t forget to put photos up on Tapestry of their creating.

The children will then get a chance to show the rest of the class their handiwork and the whole class will use them as part of our Mardi Gras celebrations.

We are also collecting junk modelling so that the children can do more junk modelling during Child Initiated times.

For ideas – https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/musical-instruments

Thank you


Mrs Bowes


Class 1 Homework

There isn’t any homework for class 1 children.