Forest School week 4 and 5

The children have been having so much fun in their Forest School sessions, we have decided to continue the after half term.  Please ensure your child has suitable outer clothes (ones you don’t mind them getting dirty), that are waterproof and warm.

Miss Polly

This week our Class Nursery rhyme is ‘Miss Polly’.  Class 1 have started to learn the rhyme and have been busy looking after the babies in class!


Read Write inc

So far this term the children have covered the following sounds:

‘m’ – Down Maisie then over the two mountains. Maisie, mountain, mountain.     m

‘a’ – around the apple and down the leaf    a

‘s’ – slither down the snake   s

‘d’ – Round the dinosaur’s back, up his neck and down to his feet      d

‘t’ – down the tower and across the tower    t

‘i’ – Down the insects body, dot for the head    i

For more information about how we teach phonics and how to support your child at home –

Year 1 children have focused on word time activities appropriate to their stage.

Class 1 – Week 1

Class 1 children have had a super first week of school. All the children have settled in really well and we are really proud of them all.

This week has been all about settling into daily Class 1 and school routines and making new friends.  The children were very excited on Wednesday to be put into School Houses and have the chance to meet older children in the same house.


This term Reception children will be concentrating on numbers 1 – 5 and Year One children on numbers up to 10. This week we looked at what 1 is –

and what happens when there is another one.

Year 1 children concentrated on looking at one more and number facts for 2.

Our song for Maths is 1,2,3,4,5


This week the children have looked at ‘m’ – Maisy mountain, mountain.  The children have found objects that begin with sound, found the sound and practised forming the sound.   m

Year 1 children concentrated on Word Time activities – segmenting and blending CVC words.

This Term our Topic is based on Nursery Rhymes. Please find attached an overview of what we will be covering for the term.

one two three four five

Next Week:

Tuesday – Forest School Session 1 of 6  (Children to come to school ready)

Wednesday – PE – Balance Bike Session 1 of 6.   It would be useful if you could put a pair of jogging pants / long leggings into your child’s PE bag.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂


Class 1 round up

Read Write inc:

This week the children have revised the trigraph ear – ‘Hear with  your ear’ and looked at the trigraph –  ure – ‘sure it’s pure’

ear            ure

Over the week the class revise words containing sounds from all the sets that we have covered:

green words 1           green words 2         green words 3



The Class have continued to explore teen numbers, this week they have concentrated on 16, 17 and 18.  The children have used a variety of resources to support their learning including: numicon, unifix and 20 frames (plus counters).  The children are getting very good at explaining how they make these numbers and been able to explain to an adult or their friend what they know and how they know.

‘This is 16, because I have one 10 numicon and a 6 numicon.  10 add 6 is 16.’

The children have also displayed their number bond knowledge –  ‘this is 16 because I gave one 10 numicon,  4 numicon and a 2 numicon, 4 and 2 make 6, 10 and 6 is 16!’

One child told me, he had a “ magic crew” and in his crew there are numbers 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 number blocks. “ look what happens when we join them together.”

He added the number 5 and 4 numberblock. “This makes 9”
Then he  added the 3 “ this makes 12”
“ 2 more make 14 and 1 more is 15.”