
Thank you to those children that brought in their shoeboxes last week. If you haven’t already brought one in can you please bring one in tomorrow as we will be doing an art activity with them.

Many thanks

Mrs Thomas

Park Hall Farm

Class 1 have had a lovely day at Park Hall Farm today and really enjoyed seeing all the animals and learning about life on a farm.  Here are some pictures of our day…

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Foster & Miss Bellis


Class 1 visit to Park Hall Farm

Just a reminder that Class 1 will be visiting Park Hall Farm tomorrow (Friday).  The children will need to be in school at the usual time and the bus will leave at 9.30am.  They will need to wear their uniform and sensible shoes (trainers will be fine as the weather is dry).  They will also need to bring a packed lunch in a disposable bag (no glass bottles please).  The children will not need any spending money as we won’t have time to go to the shop as we’ve got a busy day ahead!  We will arrive back at school before 3.15pm.

We’re looking forward to visiting the farm and learning about what happens there.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Foster and Miss Bellis

Outdoor Child Initiated Time

Class One have got off to a busy start for health and fitness week.  They began with sports day practise this morning, followed by some outdoor child initiated time.  Also, a quick reminder that children need water bottles and sunhats in school, thankyou!

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Class 1 went to the woods

Last week Class 1 went to the woods as part of our ‘Growing’ topic.  They were looking at and naming the different parts of a plant as well as naming some of the plants they saw.  They had lots of fun exploring the different plants in the woods and were very enthusiastic to show us what they had found.

Sorry for the delay in uploading the photos, here are some  from our visit…

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Water bottles

Just a reminder that children should have their own named water bottle in school please, particularly now that the weather is getting warmer.  Also, sun hats for playtimes from now on if possible please.

Many thanks,

Mrs Foster & Mrs Thomas

Class One enjoying the outdoor area

Class One have been making good use of their outdoor area, which we have been working hard to develop.  We have got some nice new areas for them to explore outside, including a garden centre role play area and a rockery area where they can make pictures using coloured stones.

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Pet photos

Can all children in class 1 please bring in a photo of their pet for this Friday please? If they don’t have a pet they can draw a picture of what pet they would like.

Many thanks

Mrs Thomas