In the woods

Class 1 went to the woods today to collect a range of objects, e.g. leaves, twigs, feathers to make large scale pets.

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Making pet carriers

This week we have been looking at what pets we have and talking about them with the rest of the class.  Today we thought about what a pet needs for a pet carrier / home.  We decided that they need food, water, a shelter, air holes, a handle and toys.  We then used junk materials to make our own carrier/home for our pet and thought carefully about what features it needed to include.  Here are some pictures of what we made…

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Pet photos and junk materials

Just a reminder for Class 1 to bring in photos of their pets (or pictures of what pet they would like if they don’t have one) tomorrow please.

Also if you have any ‘junk materials’ at home (e.g. cereal boxes, kitchen rolls, etc) can you bring in some for this week please to use for one of our activities.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas

Making faces using natural materials

Class 1 have had lots of fun outside this morning using the natural objects they collected at the woods to make large scale faces.   They all worked well in their groups to decide how they were going to make their face and what features to use.  Well done Class 1!


Pet photos

Next Wednesday (October 8th) Class 1 will be looking at and talking about their pets / favourite pets.  Can all children please bring in a photo of their pet so we can look at them together in class.  If they don’t have a pet they can bring in a picture of their favourite pet or a pet they would like.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas

If you go down to the woods today…

Class 1 went to the woods for the first time today to collect lots of different natural materials, e.g. twigs, leaves, feathers to use for some natural art making our faces tomorrow.  We had lots of fun exploring the natural environment around us and talking about what we could use our objects for.  We were very impressed by how sensible they all were when crossing the roads safely and exploring the woods.



New and Old Toys

Children in Class One have recently been sharing  information about their favourite things from home, including their favourite toy. This morning all the children in Class One watched a short programme about ‘Toys from the past’. The children enjoyed finding out information about how toys and games were different many years ago to toys and games that are available today. Some children also noticed that quite a few of the toys were still used today – such as skipping ropes and hoops. We thought it was important to remember that it can be just as much fun playing games, such as hopscotch and running around together outside as it is to sit and use the latest game on the computer! All of the children worked either in groups with an adult or tried hard in pairs to sort pictures of new and old toys. Here is a link to the video we watched :

This afternoon we are looking forward to Child Initiated time inside and outside. The Year 1 children will be continuing to find out about forces/different types of movement and how objects move in different ways.


Bring your toy to school – Monday 6th October

Your child is invited to bring in one favourite toy from home on Monday 6th October 2014. We will have chance to have a look at the toys and find out about why they are our favourites. We will see if any of the toys move, make sounds or if they are just for cuddling!

We will be using the toys and having lots of fun to create short performances in small groups. We will film these with the school iPads/Flipcams. The children will have the chance to watch a short clip of ‘Toy Story’ to give them some ideas about how their toys could move and what they could say during their performance.

We will probably need to have the toys in school for both Monday and Tuesday. Your child is welcome to leave their toy in school overnight if they wish.

Thank you

Mrs L. Conde