Science in Class 1

Class 1 have been working hard this term in science finding out about different materials.  Their task this week was to use their knowledge to talk about what materials would make a good shelter for Pebbles (our class penguin!).  They decided that it needed to be waterproof so they planned an investigation to test which materials were waterproof or not.  They also discussed how they would test a material to check it was waterproof, what will happen to the water as they tested it, what equipment they would need and how they would make it a fair test.  The materials they decided to test were wood, tin foil, paper, card, plastic and cotton.  They found out that wood, plastic and tin foil were the most waterproof.

Well done Class 1!

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Class 1 Easter Celebration Assembly

Celebration assembly – Class 1

Please can all Class 1 children bring in warm clothes to wear for the celebration assembly on Friday as we are sharing our topic work on Polar regions.  They will need their coat, a hat, scarf and gloves.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas and Mrs Conde

Class 1 Elmer Maths

This morniing Class 1 continued their Elmer-themed activities. They practised their number recognition of numbers to 10 and adding two numbers to make totals up to 10 to help them colour in Elmer’s patches correctly.




Class 1 World Book Day

Everyone knows that Class 1 love listening to stories so we based all the activities today around one of their favourite book characters …Elmer!  We read the first part of ‘Elmer Again’ before our special assembly and children had fantastic ideas for how the other elephants in the story might dress up for their special parade.  We then used these ideas to decorate our own elephants and had a lot of fun especially when the glitter came out!

Year 1s practised the alternative ‘y’ sounds to write sentences about Elmer and Reception went on a hunt around school for two-syllable words. They came up with some super words including ‘Elmer, costume and patchwork!’

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We also listened to a Japanese story read by our very own Class 1 storyteller who had everyone’s attention!

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Look out next week for our Elmer display which Class 1 are looking forward to creating on Friday.


A busy day in Class One!

Class One children have been working very hard today. This morning we spent time exploring symmetry using many different resources and equipment. We watched a programme all about symmetry on the BBC website. Here’s the link:

Here are some photos of the activities carried out in class:


We spent time learning about two syllable words in Letters and Sounds. Some children also looked at the alternative ‘y’ sounds (as in fry, cry, sky) as opposed to the ‘y’ sound in ‘happy’ or ‘funny’.

The children then spent time using different resources and equipment to practice their handwriting and letter formation.

Here are some photos of this:


This afternoon we explored an application on the iPads called ‘Scratch’. This is a child friendly programming application. More information can be found here :  and there is more information and photos on the photo sheet here:

ScratchLesson1 020315

The children have also spent time in child initiated areas, reading and working with maths and literacy resources independently.



Welcome back!

Welcome back to everyone in Class One. We hope you all enjoyed the half term break.

Today, we have been busy learning about time. We played a game online to begin to recognise ‘o’clock’ and ‘half past’. This is the link to the game:

Some children created a zigzag book to show the sequence of events in their normal day. Some children drew pictures of an activity they do in the morning, afternoon and evening. The year 1 children created their own clocks. They wrote their own numbers on the clock faces and then attached hands with a split pin. We used to the clocks to show different times.

Time 23rdFeb2015

This afternoon we have been writing, drawing, typing and making models of our half term news.

We are currently making plans to improve our outdoor area. We would be most grateful of donations of any water play related items, such as empty pop bottles, funnels, pipes, tubs etc. If you are able to donate any items, please hand these into class.

Many thanks

Mrs Conde

Fun in the woods

Class 1 have had lots of fun in the woods this afternoon.  Their first task was to stand as quietly as they could and hear what sounds there were in the woods. They could hear  many different sounds including birds, cars, a helicopter and church bells.


Their second task was to work in pairs to go on a scavenger hunt.  They were asked to find: 3 seeds, something smooth, something rough, a feather, something beautiful and a stick as long as their arm.




The missing rabbit!

One of the children in Class 1 lost their toy rabbit so the class decided to go on an adventure around the school to try and find it…

The children camauflaged themselves (with their hoods!) and set off on their journey.   They had lots of fun and encountered some dangers on their way, one involving finding some ‘mystery fur’ behind the shed….could it have been a polar bear following them??

After lots of searching the children found the missing rabbit safe and sound and made their way quickly (and safely) into school so the polar bear didn’t catch them!

Well done Class 1! Hope you all have a lovely weekend.




Monday 19th / Tuesday 20th January 2015

On Monday morning, Class One went on a frosty walk to the woods.

Please see the photosheet for photos and information about our walk.

On Monday afternoon, we used freezing and melting as a focus for a small experiment/investigation.

Please see the photosheet for photos and information about this.

It was lovely to see children bringing in objects/books/pictures for our topic Show and Tell session this morning. The children enjoyed showing each other their things. Please continue to bring in topic related things for Show and Tell (normally on a Tuesday morning).

A frosy morning walk freezing science experiment jan 2015

freezing science experiment jan 2015