It has been busy in Class One!


I have uploaded a photo sheet of our Teddy Bear’s Picnic – you can find the link below. Once again, thank you for your support in making sure the children had lots of yummy food to enjoy together.

Today, we have had a very busy day so far in Class One. We started the morning with a reading session. We are trying to work our way through the children to ensure that they have a ‘choice book’ to enjoy in addition to their scheme book. Please could you send in any school books that your child has had at home so that they can go back into our reading room.

The Reception children spent a little time in our outdoor area this morning. The Year 1 children have practised their mental arithmetic with me.

We had Letters and Sounds before break today too. The Year 1 children were exploring the alternative /air/ sound – ‘ere’ , as in where and there. The Reception children were having a look at the ‘i – e’ sound, as in bike, kite, prize and hide.

After break, we had a Mathematics session. Some children were finding out about ‘teen’ numbers and how these are made up by adding more to 10. We used bead strings, multilink and number tracks to demonstrate this. Some children worked with Miss Bellis to revise counting steps of 2. This involved finding out about pairs and looking at how things can be counted in two’s, such as shoes.

(I have just realised that I have dated these as tomorrow! These are from today, 11th May 2015).

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Teddy Bear Picnic

Mrs Conde

Visit to Bicton Church

As part of our RE topic this term Class 1 have been looking at special places around them.  Today we went to a special place in our local community – Bicton Church.  The children first of all looked at all the parts of the church and found out what they are used for – e.g. font, altar, lectern, pulpit, pews….  Then they spent some time exploring the church and sketching some of the parts of the church we discussed.

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Thank you!

Thank you very much for your kind donations of picnic food for our Teddy Bear’s Picnic on Tuesday. All the children enjoyed their time in the woods sharing fairy tale books and role playing stories – despite the very windy weather!

Photos will be uploaded next week.

Thank you again,

Mrs L. Conde

Class One Teddy Bear’s Picnic Tuesday 5th May

Hi Everyone

On Tuesday 5th May, we are hoping to visit the woods for a Teddy Bear’s Picnic in the afternoon. We will be taking fairy tale books to read, such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Little Red Riding Hood.

Children are invited to bring in one teddy bear of their choice from home.

We would be most grateful of any donations of picnic finger food/snacks, such as  savoury / sweet biscuits, crisps, fruit, carrot sticks, marshmallows, mini sausages, sausage rolls, cheese rolls, mini pizza bites, buns, cakes etc. (A few of the children in Class One wrote a list of food that they would hope for at the picnic!)

We won’t need sandwiches thank you as the children will have already had their lunch at school.

Please could any donations be brought into school on the morning of Tuesday 5th May.

Thank you very much,

Mrs Conde

Class 1 homework

For our science work this week Class 1 will be  looking at battery operated appliances and the different types of batteries used to operate them.  Please can children bring in a battery operated object (with the batteries included) by Friday please.  Examples could be an alarm clock, radio, calculator, remote control, toys etc.

Please don’t hesitate to ask for any further help with this.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas

Class 1 outdoor area

Thank you again to everyone that has donated equipment for Class 1’s outdoor area.

One of our outdoor projects is to make a ‘mud kitchen’. If anyone has any old kitchen utensils they can donate we would be very grateful. We are looking for things like pots, pans, baking and cake trays, plastic/metal bowls, spoons, etc.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Thomas




The 3 Billy Goats Gruff

Class 1 have been looking at the story ‘The 3 Billy Goats Gruff’ this week.  Today the children worked in groups to act out the story with one person acting as the narrator.  They also used the bridges in the play area to act as a prop for the goats to cross.  There was some fantastic acting and good use of character voices!





Our new topic in Class One!

Class One have soon settled back into the swing of things following the Easter break. They are full of energy and can’t wait to get stuck into our new topic this term!

We are basing our work and play around the theme of ‘Once upon a time’.

We will be exploring many traditional / fairy tales and carrying out indoor and outdoor activities linked to characters, settings and events of these tales.

We are currently working hard to get the class role play set up for the children to enjoy. Watch this space…

The children are enjoying being outside for many activities and are also learning new physical development skills on the field during PD sessions.

Letters and Sounds buy viagra no prescription needed continues to progress well and takes place everyday. Handwriting will continue to be practised in class too.

Please see our topic web which displays how the areas of learning will link to our topic. This will be enhanced and extended for the Year 1 children and will be built upon as we progress through the topic, taking into account the ideas and preferences of the children.

Once upon a time Summer 2015

I will be putting photos up tomorrow from this week and last week’s sessions (my camera battery has just run out!) for you to see what your children have been busy doing.

Thank you.

Mrs Conde and Mrs Thomas.


Easter Egg Hunt in Class 1

Class 1 went on an Easter egg hunt this morning.  They had lots  fun working in teams to find their coloured eggs and ordering the numbers once they had found all 10.

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The winners of the Easter egg hunt…….Well done!
