A great first day back in Class One

Class One have had a brilliant day so far. The children are all getting on really well and are making each other feel very welcome and at home in the classroom. We have shared our holiday news this morning – it sounds like you have all had a very busy summer! The Reception children have started looking at their little bags and books that they could collect things in over the summer – lots of interesting things to see. The Year One children have spent time with Mrs Conde sharing their news too and have all written their first piece of work in their English books. They tried very hard to use their phonic knowledge and all did extremely well! They have all drawn a picture on the ‘Paint’ programme on the laptops too. This afternoon, we are going to get changed for Physical Development and have some fun developing our co-ordination, balance and agility skills.

Fairy Tale Day

Class 1 had a lovely ‘Fairy Tale Day’ yesterday. They came into school in costumes and all looked fantastic!  Thank you for all your efforts with this.  We did lots of fun activities related to some of the fairy tales we have looked at this term, including baking and decorating gingerbread men, making crowns, a treasure hunt looking for the King of Fairyland’s lost golden coins and designing and making outfits for princes and princesses.  Here are some pictures of the day….

Mrs Thomas (Little Red Riding Hood!)

Our costumes


Baking and decorating Gingerbread Men





Making prince and princess crowns


Treasure hunt to find the King of Fairyland’s missing golden coins.



Designing and making an outfit for a prince or princess


Class 1 trip to Wonderland

Thank you Class 1 for allowing me to come on your trip today, despite the weather to begin with, we had a lovely day and the children really enjoyed themselves!

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Investigating plants and flowers

This afternoon Class 1 went on a ‘Plant Hunt’ around school to find as many different plants and flowers as they could.  They looked at describing them and trying to name them if possible. We also started looking at some of the main parts of a plant – petals, stem and leaves.  We will do some more investigating on this next week.


Wishes, spells and fairy houses!

This morning, the children worked hard to write spells and wishes. Last Monday we visited the woods to collect items from the environment in a ‘fairy’ or ‘wizard’ cup. The children then chose a ‘stirrer’ to mix their fairy or wizard potion. They thought of a wish as they stirred their potion and some started to cast spells. This morning the children had chance to record their wishes and spells by writing them down.

This afternoon, we spent most of the afternoon in the woods. The children were excited to find out that they could work in pairs to build a fairy or a wizard house. Please see the photo sheet attached for further information.


Thank you,

Mrs Conde

Class 1 party 19.6.15

Class 1 had a lovely afternoon on Friday playing musical bumps and statues, we had a sweetie hunt on the playground and a lovely picnic. The children finished off playing games with the parachute and having a dance in the classroom.

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Monday and Tuesday in Class One

Yesterday the children decorated clay shoes that they had made last week. The children designed a pair of shoes as we have been reading the story of The Elves and the Shoemaker.

We had a Mathematics session in the afternoon – we used a new resource called Numicon and some children used a number track to carry out addition questions.

Please see photo sheets.

EA&D 150615


Today, we have written letters to the Elves to say thank you from the Shoemaker. The Year One children also looked closely at the structure of a letter. We tried hard to think of our addresses too! We also talked about how an email is different to a letter.

This afternoon we have been on the field practising Sports Day activities.