Making 6 in Maths

Today the Reception children explored different ways to make 6.  They had lots of fun discovering the different ways to do it.

LO: To find different ways to partition sets of six objects; read the corresponding addition

  • Separates a group of three or four objects in different ways, beginning to recognise that the total is still the same (30- 50mnths)
  • Finds the total number of items in two groups by counting all of them (40 -60mnths)
  • In practical activities and discussion, beginning to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting (40 -60mnths)


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Letters and Sounds and helpful links

This week the Reception children have been:

Learning  and practising letters/sounds l/ll and ss  and practising the letters/sounds learned so far – s/ a/ t/ p / i/ n/ m/ g/ o/ c/ k/ ck/ e/ u/ r/ h/ b/ f/ ff   

Blending and reading the high frequency words of, dad, mum, up                                           Reading and spelling captions using week 1 to 5 letters and high frequency words no, go, to and, the, to.

This week in Year 1 the children have been:

Learning and  practising letters/sounds long oo short oo, ar, or

Reading the high frequency words look, for, too

Reading and writing captions and sentences

For help with the letter pronunciations here is a link with many videos, which cover all that we teach in school, plus the option to download phonics apps.

Another useful video to watch on pronunciation can be found here –

We also use the TES iboard phonics programs in school which really help the children to blend and segment.

The children have also been learning songs to go with each letter sound, you can practise these at home too –


Musical instruments

Class One have been enjoying music lessons every Friday.  This week they got to choose different musical instruments to play.










Fruit tasting

This week we are continuing with our unit about ourselves, concentrating on taste.


Each day a different group of children will be tasting a selection of fruit and thinking of ways to describe how it feels, looks and what it tastes like.


With the leftover fruit we will make a fruit salad on Friday to enjoy after our walk on Friday afternoon.




Photo sheets


Please find below photo sheets showing some (not all!) of the exciting activities and lessons we have done over the past few weeks.

On a Monday and Tuesday, Class One have carried out many activities linked to the units ‘Who lives in my house?’ and most recently, ‘What can we use our hands for?”.

Maths tuesday 220915

210915 computing ]

handwriitng name formation week 3

maths coins week 4

Monday 51015 Helping Hands

PD 210915

Topic week 2 mum and dad make me laugh

Tractor fun

We had a surprise today, we went to see to 2 tractors.  A red and a yellow one.

We were very excited and we all wanted to look inside.  First we all looked inside the yellow one.

“There were loads of buttons and 2 seats and I turned the steering wheel.”  Harley

“It was hard to go up the steps I had to hold on to the bars to go up.”  Isabella

“I liked the the bonnet on the yellow tractor because it was big.” Charlie B










We all had lots of fun 🙂


Exploring fruit and vegetables


During the next few weeks we will be exploring different fruits and vegetables and making links with Harvest.



We will be using the fruits and vegetables to make a fruit salad and soup.

The class are also learning some Harvest songs including Cauliflower Fluffy and Farmer Joe.





Letters and sounds and Year 1 spellings

Children in Reception have been learning the phonemes g/o/c/k/ck/e/u and r.  They have been busy practising both the letters and sounds. In sessions the children have been trying hard to segment and blend words containing all letters learned so far.

Children in Year 1 have been revisiting and practising zz/qu/sh/ch/th. they have been making sentences using the words no, go, the, and I and reading this, that, them, with, they.

Children in Year 1 will have a weekly spelling test linked to letters and sounds covered each week.  The children should all have brought home a spelling list to be tested this Friday.











Children in Reception are not given spellings to take home.



A busy week in Class One

This week the children in Class One have enjoyed reading the story ‘Funny Bones’ by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.   They have talked about the story, discussed their favourite character, drawn skeletons, made skeletons and labelled the human body.

All About Me – Funnybones PowerPoint


image 4

In phonics Reception children have been practising s/a/t/p/ and learning i/n/m/d.

Year 1 children have practised j/v/w/x/y/z .

The children have been practising segmenting and blending words with these letters and enjoyed using some of the phonics games here to help support their learning –

In Maths we have been busy counting , ordering and recognising numbers.  The children have used The Gingerbread Man Topmarks game to help them –  This game works really well on tablets and would be fun to play at home too.








Have a super weekend.


Mrs Bowes 🙂