Class 1, Gallery 3

Thank you to all the Mummy and Daddys for uploading some fabulous photos for our 3rd class gallery (It was really difficult to choose just 2 photos for each child!)  I was really pleased to hear how you enjoyed completing activities based aorund last week’s story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.


Home learning activities week beginning 18.05.2020 – The Very Busy Spider / Aaaarrgghh Spider

Hello Class 1 Children and Adults,

I hope you all enjoyed some of last weeks activities based around The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Once again thank you Mums and Dads for all those lovely photos and videos. The Class 1 Gallery 3, will be ‘live’ on Tapestry and on here at midday today.

This week’s activities are based around the stories – The Very Busy Spider / Aaaarrgghh Spider, the activity sheets have been uploaded onto Tapestry.

The Very Busy Spider 

Aaaarrgghh Spider 

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Bowes x

Home learning for week beginning 11.05.2020 – ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’

Hi Class 1 Children and Adults,

I hope you have all had a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend and managed to celebrate V.E. Day on Friday. Once again I have been pleased to see all your photos and videos showing what you have been doing. It really does put a big smile on my face when I open Tapestry and see your happy faces. So thank you adults for doing this, you can never post too many. Keep an eye out for Class 1, Gallery 2.

This week our home learning activities are based around the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle, you will revisit healthy eating, look at life cycles and investigate symmetry.

A few parents have requested a timetable of when to teach what during the day, so I have put together a rough timetable that you can adopt or adapt to suit your needs. Any feedback is welcome and I am happy to answer questions, just drop me an email –

I have put the phonics to later in the morning, as the teaching videos start to be added from 9.30am to 10.45am (depending on which set your child is on). Rosie does all the teaching for you, exactly as I would do in class. If your child has watched all the sound  videos, then watch and do the activities for the Spelling Video (there is no need to watch both). A few parents have mentioned it works really well if you play the video through the T.V.


Mrs Bowes x

Home Learning Environment (HLE) activities for younger children

Please see attached 2 documents which have suggestions for home learning activities, this is produced by Shropshire Local Authority.

There are some lovely practical ideas that can be used with children as young as 3 months.

HLE Suggestions for Early Years Parents 3a

HLE Early Years Musical Activities   (based on The Wheels on the Bus)

Mrs Bowes :

Ms Stone:

Class 1 Gallery 1

Children in Class 1 have been very busy over the last few weeks.  They may not be able to come to school as usual, but they have kept smiling as they learn and play at home.


Home Learning for week commencing 04.05.2020 – Night Pirate/Troll

Good Morning Class 1 children and Adults,

This week’s Learning plan is now in your Tapestry area.  This week we have a bit of a Pirate theme  (ahoy, me Class 1 mateys!).

The Night Pirates: Harris, Peter, Allwright, Deborah ...    The Troll: Donaldson, Julia, Roberts, David: Books

I have also added some VE Day activities that you may like to do with your child.

Once again I have been amazed with all the posts of what you have been doing over the weeks, not just things from the Learning Plan, but other activities. So a big thank you to Mummies and Daddies for adding those.

Some of you have started to ride your bikes without stabilizers!  Amazing, well done.  There has been so many yummy foods cooked, including some very delicous looking donuts!  I have been entertained with some awesome singing and dancing.  There has been some fabulous art work, some created uising natural materials.  Please do keep uploading those photos and videos.  I will be making a Gallery to share some of your photos on here, so we can all catch up with our friends.

Have a good week,

Mrs Bowes 🙂


Home Learning Environment (HLE) information for Younger Children

Suggestions for EY parents to support with home learning environments

Please see attached some suggestions to support Early Years parents with their home learning environments, produced by Shropshire Local Authority.

There are lots of lovely practical ideas and activities,  starting with children as young as 3 months.

HLE Suggestions for Early Years Parents 1

HLE Suggestions for Early Years Parents 2

Mrs Bowes   ;

Ms Stone :

Home Learning Activities for week beginning 27.04.2020 – Supertato

Hi Class 1 Children and Adults,

I hope you are all well and have been able to enjoy the sunshine. I am really missing you all not been in school and doing all these lovely activities with you.
I am really enjoying all your posts, I think we will have some expert bakers and gardeners when we get back to school!

The activities this week are based around the story of Supertato. The Plan has been loaded onto your Tapestry page.  Do what bits you can and don’t worry about what you can’t do. Have fun and don’t forget to post up what you have been doing. Check out Supertato: Veggies Assemble! - Fun Kids - the UK's ...

If you have any questions please drop me an email –

Have a wonderful week,

Mrs Bowes

Class 1 update for week beginning 20.04.2020

Hello Class 1 children and adults,

I hope you have had a lovely Easter Holiday and enjoyed completing some of the activities that were set for the Easter Holidays. I have enjoyed seeing what you have all been up to – lots of Spring Walks, baking (some very yummy looking cakes), drawing, creating, planting and growing – do make sure you keep popping photos of how your plants are doing. One of our class friends has even incubated eggs and now has 4 very cute chicks!

It is wonderful to see that every parent has been logging in since we have had to communicate this way and most of you have added posts.

This week’s activities are based around the Story  ‘What the Ladybird Heard’.  The learning plan has been uploaded as an observation onto your Child’s Tapestry page.  If you have any issues with access please email me at –

The Read Write inc phonics will now also have word time and spelling videos (these all match what we would be doing in school).

Have fun, I look forward to hearing all your news and seeing your photos and videos.

Mrs Bowes