At the shops

The children had lots of fun shopping for dinosaur detective equipment this morning.  They each had a bag of money and a shopping list.

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Dinosaur research

The children in Class 1 have been very busy finding out about different dinosaurs.  Today they used the non – fiction books and the website   to research the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Diplodocus, Triceratops and Stegosaurus.

This afternoon they had fun pretending to be palaeontologists.

We are all looking forward to our trip to the museum where we will be abl to find out even more about dinosaurs.


A busy couple of days in Class 1

The children in class one have worked very hard today and yesterday. They have enjoyed finding out about a variety of different animals and have sorted them into different habitats. This afternoon, the children were set the task of deciding how they could build/make small world areas for farm, ocean, wild and domestic animals. They came up with lovely ideas and helped to create a farm and an ocean small world area this afternoon.

In Maths, we have been counting to 100 in 5s and 10s. We have also been counting actions such as hops, claps, jumps. The children have been encouraged to count silently in their heads. We have been exploring number bonds to 9 today too and looking at how addition number sentences can help to work out subtraction number sentences.

In Letters and Sound we have been busy learning the tricky words ‘do’ and ‘out’. We have looked at words with two adjacent consonants such as splash, spring, splat. Some children have explored two-syllable words such as bedroom, toothbrush and armchair. They also found out about the ‘ure’ sound today in words such as ‘manure’, ‘cure’ and ‘sure’.

We spent some time outdoors yesterday playing ‘Bumper Cars’ with hoops. We had to avoid bumping into each other and travelling in different directions. When we ran out of petrol we had to jump up and down on the spot. When we had a flat tyre we had to stand on one leg.

The children have enjoyed playing with the small world dinosaurs in the dinosaur land too. They have has access to craft and modelling materials and have loved making all sorts of items for our small world areas and for the topic.


Dinosaur Detectives


Something strange was spotted in the school grounds this morning, so Class 1 went out to investigate.

We hunted for clues and found some strange footprints….

Eventually the children unearthed 2 unidentified eggs!

Back in class we listed all the animals we know that lay eggs, after much discussion and looking at the evidence we believe that a dinosaur has visited the school and laid the eggs!

This afternoon the children painted what type of dinosaur they think may have laid the egg.











Class One newsletter

Welcome back to all the children in Class One! We hope you had a lovely Christmas break. Thank you very much for the generous gifts we received before Christmas.

The children had a lovely day back yesterday – they all enjoyed telling each other about their festive break and all the exciting things they got up to!

Please find attached a newsletter. A topic web will be uploaded very soon.

Spring Newsletter 2016

Thank you

Mrs Conde, Mrs Bowes

Class 1, 2 and 3 Christmas Party

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is our Christmas party next Thursday afternoon (17th December). We would very much appreciate contributions of food for the party, there is a list on Class 2’s window for you to sign to say what you are bringing. If your child goes on the bus then please write in your child’s home-school link book what you will provide. You can bring the food in on the day itself or earlier if appropriate, just hand it to your child’s class teacher or send it in with your child if they go on the bus.

Please could you also ensure that on the day of your party your child brings in their party clothes to change into.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Barratt, Miss Edwards, Mrs Conde & Mrs Bowes.