Class 1 Easter Assembly – Song

Class 1 Easter Assembly – Readings

Home learning journey books

Unfortunately the Home Learning Journey books for Reception were missed when filling the book bags ready for home this afternoon. If your child would like to make a collection of pictures, pieces of writing, drawings, photos, leaflets etc from the Easter holiday break, Mrs Conde will hand the books out on the first day back and collect them in later in the week to give your child chance to stick their items in. We will then spend time sharing their books with each other in class. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. We hope you all have a lovely Easter!

Parachute games in the woods

Early last week, Class 1 made the most of the sunny weather and decided to take the parachute to the woods.  Children had lots of fun swapping places with each other on opposite sides of the parachute including travelling like feathers beneath the parachute!




Learning about Chinese New Year

We have been learning about Chinese New Year in Class 1 this week. We had lots of fun in PE creating our own Dragon and Lion dances. In class the children made lanterns and masks.







The 3 Little Dinosaurs

Class One listened to the story of the 3 Little Dinosaurs and the Big Bad T-Rex.

After listening to the story each group made a different type of house for each dinosaur. A cardboard house, a straw house and a house of bricks.  They tried to make them as strong as possible to stop the Big Bad T – Rex from blowing them down.


Telling the time

The children in Class One have been learning about time.  This week we have looked at analogue and digital times.image


Reception children have been busy learning how to tell o’clock times both on the analogue and digital clock.

Year 1 have been practising half past times, not just what the time is on the clock but what the time will be half an hour later or earlier.

time bingo 2 time bingo 4 time bingo 5 time bingo time bngo 3 winner





We would just like to say a massive thank you to all children and parents who made, bought and donated cakes and biscuits to our sale today.

Thank you also to the co-op who donated boxes of buns for us to sell.

In addition to this, many children brought money to spend and Class 4’s cake sale was a roaring success!

We will let you know exactly how much was raised and children in Class 4 will help decide exactly which natural disaster charity we will send the money to.

Cake Sale

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Wednesday 27th January at morning break, Class 4 will be holding a cake sale outside their classroom to raise money for people affected by the recent flooding.

A few of the children in the class had wanted to do something after learning about different natural disasters around the world as part of out topic ‘Extreme Earth’.

Class 4 would like to ask for any donations of cakes, buns or biscuits to be brought in before Wednesday.

The cake sale will be open to all children. Small cakes and biscuits will be 20p. Larger cakes and biscuits will be 50p. Please could children bring in no more than £2.

Thank you for your support,

Class 4