Lunch time

The children have very quickly settled into our lunch time routine.  They are all independent at getting themselves ready and sensibly settling down to eat.   The plates are usually clean by the time the children go out for lunch playtime

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Letters and sounds

This week the children have been looking at ‘m’ and ‘a’.    They have looked at the letters, found objects beginning with the letters and had a go at writing them.

For ‘m’ we say ‘Down Maisie , mountain, mountain.’  and for ‘a’ we say ‘Around the apple and down the leaf.’

For all the letters and sounds we cove,r the children will learn a song to go with them, and will practise making/writing the letters using playdoh, whiteboard pens, interactive whiteboard, chalks etc.

When we have covered a sound we will pop the worksheet into your child’s bag so they can share it at home.

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Class 1 routines

Children in Class 1 have had a super start  to their first few week at school. The children are getting very good at organising themselves in the morning and remembering all the things they need to do.


1. Put their book bag in the correct box



2. Put their PE kits and spare clothes in their lockers.



3. Choose their school lunch.



The children can also change their choosing book in a morning (parents may wish to help them do that).


Each child will also be bringing home a school reading and reading diary, please do comment in the reading diaries when your child has read to you, this can be about any book that your child has read /shared with you.   We will change your child’s reading book.

At the end of the day, we are now going to open the gate and ask parents / guardians to come and wait outside the classroom window.   Children will then be dismissed from the classroom.


Fun with Maths

The children have enjoyed playing more maths games this morning and singing counting songs.  Our favourite at the moment is 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive.

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The children had a fun first lesson doing PE.  They were  all superstars at getting changed into their PE kits and helped each other out with undoing those tricky buttons!



Designing t-shirts

The children designed their own t shirts today and practised writing their names on them.


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Greetings in different languages

This afternoon we practised greeting each other in different languages. We also enjoyed trying on clothes from different cultures.


Counting and Maths games

Today the children were learning how to play some of the maths games that we have in class.

We have a particular focus on counting to 10 and then 20 and recognising numbers.

Some of the children enjoyed playing Teddy Counts on the laptops.






First day at school

First day at school

The new children in Class 1 had a super start to the school year.
