Phonics this week

This week the children in Class 1 have looked at and practised writing – ‘th’  ‘z’   ‘ch’  ‘qu’

th : Down the tower, across the tower, then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back.

z: zig, zag, zig,  stretchy sound  zip, zebra, zag, zap

ch: Curl around the caterpillar, then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back.

qu ; Round the queen’s head, up to her crown, down her hair and curl.

Autumn Walk

Class 1 went on an Autumn walk today.  img_0420 img_0422 img_0423 img_0424 img_0425 img_0426 img_0427 img_0428 img_0436 img_0440 img_0441 img_0442 img_0443 img_0444



Class 1 will be looking at symmetry and patterns this week.  They have been putting on their symmetrical binoculars to spot things that are symmetrical.

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Online books to read at home

The children in Class 1 have been enjoying reading and listening to stories from the Oxford Owl website.  I have set up a class 1 login for them to access this at home.

username:  class1bicton

password: bictonschool

Do write in your child’s reading diary if they read some of these books with you.


This week the children have looked at and written the sounds – ‘j’  ‘v’ ‘y’ ‘w’

When writing ‘j’ we say ‘Down his body, curl and dot.’

For ‘v’ we say ‘Down a wing, up a wing.’

For ‘y’ we say ‘down a horn, up a horn and under his head.’

For ‘w’ we say ‘Down, up, down, up.’

To help with segmenting and blending words we play –


Meet our school council members


Our 2 school councillors got their official badges today.

PE – ladders

Children in Class 1 enjoyed travelling on the ladders in different ways today.


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Counting and numbers to 20

The children in Class 1 have been practising counting to 20.  The Cuboid group looked at making the right stack of cubes to match their numbers cards.

You can help your children with numbers by looking at numbers on doors, car registration plates, numbered aisles in the supermarket, price tags etc.  Children love counting things, it could be the apples in the fruit bowl, the tins in the cupboard, shoes in the porch, socks in the wash basket etc.

This is also a good interactive activity to help children with their counting, number formations and number recognition –

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Last weeks phonics

Last week the children looked at and wrote the sounds   ‘l’  ‘h’   ‘sh’   ‘r’.

When we write ‘l’ we say ‘Down the long leg.’

For ‘h’ we say ‘Down the head to the hooves and over his back.’

For ‘sh’ we say slither down the snake, then down the  head, to his hooves and over his back.’

For ‘r’ we say ‘Down his back, then curl over his arm.’

We looked at words that begin/ end with the sounds and children enjoyed identifying if they had the letters in their own name.

Every day the children practise writing their name, some children are now having a go at writing their surname 🙂

Fire Fighter visit

The children were very excited today when they found out that we were going to have some very special visitors!

Fire Fighter Darren and John popped in with the fire engine to show the children.  The children had lots of questions to ask and it seems quite a few parents are Fire fighters..

We found out lots of things and hopefully the children can share this with you when they get home.  Fire Fighter Darren has set them homework – to check that the smoke alarm works at home.

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