PE – Tennis

Class 1 enjoyed an extra PE session this week, learning tennis skills.

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Maths – money and shopping!

The children in Class 1 have been looking at money this week in maths.  We have looked at all the different coins, then used the £1 and £2 coins to do our shopping!


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Physical Development – balancing skills

The children in Class 1 enjoyed practising their balance skills in their PE session this week.

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Exploring 3d shapes

Children in Class 1 have been looking at 3d shapes this week.  They have been on shape walks, used play doh to create 3d shapes, used modelling kits to build with and have constructed aliens using junk modelling. sany6227 sany6228 sany6229 sany6230 sany6231 sany6232 sany6233 sany6234 sany6235 sany6236 sany6237 sany6239 sany6240 sany6242 sany6243 sany6244 sany6245 sany6246 sany6247 sany6248 sany6249 sany6251 sany6253 sany6255


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Today we looked at the sound ‘ay’ and revised the sound ‘ng’.

For the rest of this week we will be revising and segmenting and blending with the sounds :    m a s d t s i n g p o

Words:  in, on, it, an, and, pin, got, dog, sit, tip, pan, gap, dig, top

Nonsense words: ip, op, sop, gip, pog

Nativity costumes – updated

The children will be bringing home a letter this afternoon with the roles they are doing for this year’s Nativity.

If you would  like to provide/donate a costume for our Nativity we would be very grateful.

Items requested need to be in school by the 7th of December, in a bag with your child’s name on.  class-1-costume-letter



Over the next few weeks the children in Class 1 will be consolidating the letter sounds we have covered so far.

We will be continuing to practise letter formations, reading words containing the sounds – segmenting and blending.  Some children have put the words into sentences and had a go at writing out simple sentences with these words in.  This week we have concentrated on m a s d  t  and the words mad, sad, dad, mat, sat, at, Sam.

The children will be revising the words contained in the Powerpoint below.



Maths – measure

The children in Class 1 have been busy using cubes to measure objects.  They have been using the language of taller and shorter to compare heights and longer and shorter to compare lengths.


Maths – length

The children  in Class 1 have been very busy measuring objects and using comparative language to describe how long objects are.




The children in Class1 have been learning about Diwali – the Hindu festival of light.  This has given them a greater understanding of the world particularly in relation to other customs.

In Maths they have looked at patterns and made symmetrical rangoli pictures.  They have also made Barfi sweets where they had to measure out the ingredients.

In Expressive arts and design they have shaped clay into divas, decorated a hand with a mehndi pattern and collaged rangolis with coloured rice.

In Literacy the children have listened to the story of Rama and Sita and sequenced it. They also had to follow a recipe to make their Diwali sweets.

The children have enjoyed playing Diwali games on :  and

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