phonics and handwriting practise

Today the children in Class 1 enjoyed revisiting all the sounds we have covered so far.  We sang the Jolly buy xanax 2mg Phonics songs and then practised our letter formations.


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Meaures in maths

This week the children have been very busy weighing and balancing items.  They have been using comparative language to compare the weights of parcels and have ordered parcels from lightest to heaviest.

The children have also cooked porridge and have had to weigh out the oats to make it ‘just right!’.  Just like in the story of the 3 Bears.



This week the children in Class 1 have been reading and spelling words with split digraphs:

a- e – Make a cake

i-e – A nice smile

o-e Phone home

u-e Huge brute


green words 3



post office role play

We have started our new topic of The Jolly Postman and Friends, by looking at what a Post person does and what happens in a post office.  The children have started to use our post office area and have lots of ideas about what they want in there.

We wondered if mums and dads could help us out?  Here is our wish list:

*stamps (used ones cut off envelopes)

* stamper to frank the mail with

*post person dress up clothes

* post bag

*unusual shaped parcels for the children to deliver

*old bit of stationery that could be donated

If you have anything that you think would be suitable, Class 1 would be very grateful.

Thank you  🙂


Last week and this week the children have looked at the following digraphs and trigraph and have learnt a mnemonic for each one  :

ar – start the car

or – shut the door

air – That’s not fair

ir – whirl and twirl

ou – shout it out

oy – toy for a boy

ea – cup of tea

oi – spoil the boy

The children have also segmented and blended words with these sounds in.

Please find attached a copy of Set 2 sounds and the the words we have covered.




This week the children in Class 1 are concentrating on counting, ordering and recognising numbers.

They have been identifying which numbers are the biggest and the smallest.



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Winter walk

The children in Class 1 went on a very cold and frosty Winter walk this afternoon.


Class 1 party

Class 1 enjoyed playing lots of different party games this afternoon – pass the puppet, musical statues, show us your dance moves and sleeping reindeers.  They enjoyed a few party nibbles in between all the fun.




Maths – Time

Class 1 have been finding out about time.  We read the story the Hungry Caterpillar, have been singing Days of the Week song, playing What’s the time Mr Wolf, counting how many things we can do in one minute e.g. write our name, take our shoes off and put them back on, how many star jumps etc.

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Class 1 phonics

Over the last week and this week we have continued to revise set 1 sounds and words.  We have been working on our segmenting and blending skills..   The children have also been building up sentences using some of the words we have looked at.

New sounds covered have been, ee and igh.