Home Learning ideas, week beginning 06.07.2020 – Handa’s Surprise

Hello Class 1 children, Mums and Dads,

I hope you all had a super week and weekend.  Thank you for sending in so many lovely pictures last week, I really enjoyed seeing what the children have done.  I was very impressed with some of the planets and rockets that were made.  Look out for some on this week’s Class Tapestry gallery.

This week’s work is based around the story- ‘Handa’s Surprise’ by Eileen Browne.  The learning plan is now avaiable on Tapestry.

Handa's Surprise Book Power point | Teaching Resources

Take care,,


Mrs Bowes xx

Home learning ideas, week beginning 29.06.2020 – The Dinosaur that pooped a planet

Hello Class 1 children, Mums and Dads,
I hope you have all had a loveley week and enjoyed some of the summer weather.

This week’s activities are based around the story – ‘The Dinosaur that pooped a planet’ by Tom Fletcher.

The planning is now uploaded onto Tpestry for you to access.

I hope you all have a super week.

Love Mrs Bowes xx

Home Learning ideas, week beginning 22.06.2020 – Zog!

Hi Class 1 Children, Mums and Dads,

I hope you have all had a good week and enjoyed some of the activities based around the story ‘The Princess and the Wizard’.

This week’s story is ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson. The  Learning Plan is now loaded onto Tapestry.


I look forward to seeing photos / videos of all your activities.

Take care,

Mrs Bowes xx

Class 1, Gallery 7

Thank you Class 1 Mums and Dads, as always I have loved seeing what your child has been doing over the week. I hope your children enjoy this week’s photo gallery selection.
Mrs Bowes xx

Home learning ideas, week beginning 15.06.2020 – The Princess and the Wizard

Hi Class 1 Children, Mums and Dads

I hope you have all had a good week and enjoyed doing some of the Snail and the Whale activities.   I have seen some lovely work done at home and in class based around the story.

This week our story is ‘The Princess and the Wizard’, the Learning Plan has been uploaded onto Tapestry.

I look forward to seeing all your posts and photos over the week.



Mrs Bowes x

Class 1, Gallery 6

Thank you Class 1 Mums and Dads, as always I have loved seeing what your child has been doing over the week. I hope your children enjoy this week’s photo gallery selection.
Mrs Bowes xx

Home learning ideas, week beginning 8.6.2020 – The Snail and the Whale

Hello Class 1 Children, Mums and Dads,

once again thank you very much for all the lovely updates you have added. They always put a big smile onto my face.
I hope you enjoyed doing some of the Superworm activities, the  Key worker children in class certainly enjoyed our wormy tasks!
This week the main story is ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson. There is a lovely movie of the story to watch to start the week off.  The planning document is now on Tapestry.

Read Write inc – The Keyworker children who have been in class, are watching the New Set 2 sound and Spelling videos this week (Rosie has changed the words to read and spell). They have also watched Red Words 1.  If you are watching the Red Word videos, I would recommend writing the words covered onto paper and practising them over the week.

I hope you all have a super week,

take care and stay safe,
Mrs Bowes xx

Class 1, Gallery 5

Thank you Class 1 Mums and Dads, as always I have loved seeing what your child has been doing over the week. I hope your children enjoy this week’s photo gallery selection.
Mrs Bowes xx

Learning Activities/ideas – week beginning 01.06.2020 – Superworm!

Hi Class 1 Children and Adults,
I hope you all had a super half term and enjoyed the amazing weather! Thank you for all the fabulous photos / videos and posts that you have have shared with me. I think you have been having lots of fun with your families.

This week our learning is mainly based around the story of Superworm by Julia Donaldson.  The Learning Plan has been uploaded onto Tapestry.  I hope you like the activities I have planned,and you get to do some digging in the garden!


Take care, have fun,

Mrs Bowes xx

Class 1, Gallery 4

Happy Half Term Class 1.  I hope you enjoy looking at Gallery number 4!   Please do keep adding obseravtions during half term, ready for Gallery number 5!

Keep healthy and Stay Safe.

love Mrs Bowes xx