Ordering numbers to 20

Today Class 1 practised running around with a number 0 -20, then getting themselves into the correct order on the signal.

Over the next few days we will be concentrating on counting back (early subtraction).

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Numbers everywhere

Today the children in Class 1 practised writing their numbers, some did a numberline all the way to 100!

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Counting on

The children have impresssed me with their adding skills this week.


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New Summer topics

Our new topics this term are All Creatures Great and Small and Green fingers.  A paper copy of the areas we will be covering will be sent home tomorrow.

Please find attached a topic web displaying initial ideas for activities and learning opportunities. These activities and learning opportunities will be adapted and enhanced depending upon the interests and progress of the children.

Things to remember: 

  • Your child can bring in a named water bottle into school. There is always water available throughout the day.
  • Your child can bring in a healthy snack to eat at break time.   Fruit is provided on a daily basis in school.
  • Please provide a coat as the weather is still changeable.  This can be kept in your child’s locker.
  • We have a wellie rack outside for your child to keep a pair of named wellies in school.
  • Please make sure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name, including shoes/pumps.
  • There is a green basket in the room, near the lockers. This basket is there for your child to put the home link book messages, money, messages into.
  • Any monies for school dinners etc. are to be put in a named, sealed envelope stating what the money is for.
  • Please could we ask for children to refrain from bringing in their own toys into school. Children get very upset if their toys get broken by accident or go missing!

Reading:  The children in Class 1 are making super progress, reading at  home really helps them to continue to improve.

Reading/book bags need to be in school each day. Reading takes place every day in class, whether through guided reading, group reading, shared reading or independent reading sessions. Your child will read to an adult regularly in class on a one to one basis. Children should be encouraged to read a range of materials as well as their reading scheme books, such as magazines, leaflets, newspapers etc. When you have read with your child at home, please write a comment in the reading diary.

PE Kits

Physical development takes place at least twice a week. Please could you ensure that your child has a full PE kit in their locker all week.


The first term of using Tapestry has gone well.  The children enjoy sharing what they have done at home and the photos that you add.  So do please keep adding to your child’s online journey.

summer 17

Bean stalks!

The children will be bringing home their beanstalks today. We would love to see photos how they grow over Easter. Most of them will need to be planted into bigger pots, as they have grown quite a lot!



junior parkrun

It was lovely to see 7, Class 1 children at junior parkrun yesterday morning.  Well done to Daniel, Caitlin, Sennen, Matilda, Gracie, Lana and Bethan (and Charlie)! The children all finished with big smiles on their faces and have all told me they will be back this Sunday.

It would be amazing to see even more of the class there, after the super effort at the mini marathon, it really would be a run in the park for them.

For more information and how to register (for free) go to their webpage – http://www.parkrun.org.uk/shrewsbury-juniors/

You can also find an official Facebook page with up to date information.




Walk to the farm

Tomorrow afternoon Class 1 will be going on a local walk. This time we will be popping into Mrs Pink’s farm to see the new lambs. As it may be muddy we will all be wearing wellies. If your child’s wellies are not in school, can you send them in tomorrow please. We do have spare ones if you don’t have any. The children will wear our waterproof jackets and trousers if required.



Easter Egg Hunt at the Co-op

A group of children visited the Co-op this morning to search for 100 carefully-hidden creme eggs.  They seemed easy to spot at first but the last few proved extremely difficult to find! It was lovely to see the children helping each other and sharing out their eggs so that everyone had 10 each to take home. Thank you again to Laura and staff for inviting us to the Co-op.