Citizen Vote

Children in Class 1, had to take part in a vote today.  We had a good discussion about what a good Citizen of Class 1 might be like.

The children took the role very seriously and made sure that their votes were secret.

Tomorrow we will find out out who they have chosen.

Transition Day

We had a lovely day for transition day yesterday! Class 1 had lots of fun and were brilliantly behaved. I have included photos from yesterday afternoon to show the children on a ‘rainbow treasure hunt’.

They have been given a piece of homework to complete over the Summer holidays. I have asked the children to fill an envelope with holiday memories, this could include photographs, pictures, postcards, etc. We will share these with our friends in September.

I hope you have a lovely Summer holiday and I look forward to seeing the children in September!

Kind regards

Miss Edwards

Celebration Assembly: Thursday 20th July

The children are all looking forward to sharing some of the songs we have been learning this term with you.

This time we would like the children to come to school ready to perform.  The boys will need to wear  either a yellow or black top (or both) with dark bottoms.  For the girls we would like to see gold and green and/or colourful clothing.

I won’t give anymore away.

We look forward to seeing lots of you next week.


Mrs Bowes 🙂

Green fingers

Just before half term, Class 1 planted out broad beans, radishes, potatoes carrots and lettuce.  The children were very excited to see that they have all been growing.  We asked Sue in the kitchen if she could use some of our produce for school dinners.  Today some of us had salad with the lettuce picked from our garden patch – Yum!


The children have been using directional language to get their toys from one place to another.

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In the moment maths

This week the children have been in charge of their maths activities.  On Monday a couple of children wanted to set up a shop.  We discussed what they needed to do this.  Several more children then joined in.   The children began writing prices tags, then taking on the role of shopper and shop keeper.   Some children used their maths knowledge to add and subtract to work out how much they needed to pay / how much change to give.  Some children started to recognise that £1 is 100 pennies, but as that was a lot to count out they needed to group in 10’s, this then led to children using the 10p coins instead of of lots of pennies.

As the week has gone on more children have wanted to set up shop!   Yesterday we looked at healthy foods, so a group of children decided that the shoppers would need a cafe so they could have a rest after shopping.  Today we say children writing menus with healthy food on, taking orders  and enjoying using the cafe.

All through the week, the adults in class have joined in and moved children on with their learning as and when needed.

Well done Class 1, so far we have seen some super counting, grouping, adding, subtracting and some wonderful organisation skills.   I wonder what will happen next…

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Painted lady butterflies

We are very excited to announce we have become butterfly parents today!  4 of the 5 butterflies have now emerged from their cocoons. The children have been busy giving them names.

At the beginning of term, 5 tiny caterpillars arrived in class.


They then began to eat rather a lots and got bigger every day.


Just like the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, our caterpillars became full and wrapped themselves up into their cocoon.  We were amazed to see how much the cocoons wiggled!


