Read Write Inc – ‘t’

Today the children looked at the sound ‘t’

We practised saying this bouncy sound – t – t – t,  We looked at objects and pictures beginning with the sound.

The children also had a go at writing the letter, saying ‘Down the tower and across the tower.’


Class 1 have been very busy playing counting games.  Today one group played a game where they rolled the dice, had to count the spots then take the right amount of bears.  After 3 goes they had to find their total amount by carefully counting.

Read Write inc – ‘d’

Today Class 1 looked at ‘d’.  They practised bouncing the sound – d – d- d .  We looked at objects beginning with d – duck / dog / dinosaur / doll.

When we form the letter we say ‘around his bottom, up his tall neck and down to his feet.’

Read Write Inc – ‘s’

The last phoneme Class 1 looked at last week was ‘s’.  The class practised stretching out the sound -‘sssss’ then naming objects beginning with the sound.

When writing the letter we say ‘Slither down the snake’

On Friday the Class revised all the sounds covered so far – ‘m’  ‘a’  ‘s’ and practise forming them using a range of media. 


Read Write Inc – phonics

Today the children in Class 1 began the Read Write Inc phonics program.  We started with the letter ‘m’.

The children practised say mmmm (pressing lips together hard).  To help remember the sound and practise writing it we say ‘Maisie, mountain, mountain.’

More information about Read Write Inc can be accessed here :