Tapestry – online learning journal

Thank you for returning your details to set up a Tapestry account.  All details have been entered into the system.  Half of you have now activated your accounts.  If you have not done so yet, please check your junk/spam boxes for the email.  I have resent the link this morning to all accounts that have not yet activated their account.


Thank you

Read Write Inc – ‘o’

Today the children looked at the sound ‘O’.  We practised saying this bouncy sound – o-o-o-o.  The children looked at pictures and objects beginning with ‘o’.

Finally we practised forming the letter.  When we write ‘o’ we say ‘All around the orange.’


A week in Class 1

What a busy week!   We have learned 3 new sounds – n, p and g.   Ellie visited the class on Wednesday to do Music, the children explored different ways to play the drum and make loud and quiet noises.

In Maths we have looked at 2d shapes, made shape pictures, gone on shape hunts and practised counting as high as we can.

Our Nursery rhyme was Rock a bye baby, this linked to our theme of babies this week and people who we love and who are special to us.

In PE the children enjoyed using the balance bikes and have had plenty of outdoor physical development opportunities.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in their details for Tapestry, passwords have been emailed out, please check your Junk mail as this is where the activation link may be.


Read Write Inc – ‘g’

Today the children looked at the sound ‘g’ . They practised saying this bouncy sound – g,g,g,g, looked a t objects and pictures beginning with the sound.

The children had a go at forming the letter, as they write the letter we say ‘ round the girls face, down her hair and giver her a curl.’


Read Write Inc – ‘p’

Today the children looked at the letter and sound ‘p’.  This a is bouncy sound.

We looked at pictures and objects beginning with ‘p’.  Finally we had a go at forming the letter.  As we write ‘p’ we say ‘ Down the plait and over the pirate’s face’


Read Write Inc – ‘i’

Today the children looked at ‘i’.  We bounced the sound i – i – i.

We named objects that begin with ‘i’.

The children also practised forming the letter, to form the letter we say :  ‘down the body and a dot for the head.’

