Read Write Inc this week

This week the children have looked at a new sound each day.

‘v’ – Down a wing, up a wing.’

‘y’ – ‘Down a horn, up a horn and under his head.’

‘w’ – ‘Down, up, down, up.’

‘z’ –  ‘ZIg, zag, zig.’

‘x’ – ‘Down the arm and leg, and repeat the other side.’


Read Write Inc – ‘r’

Today the children looked at the letter ‘r’.  They practised saying this stretchy sound – rrrrr. We looked at pictures and objects beginning with ‘r’.

When we write the letter we say ‘Down his back and curl over hos arm.’

Harvest Celebration in Class 1

This half term the children have been learning about Harvest Festival. They have looked at Harvests around the world as well as in the UK.  To end our unit the children will be baking bread on Thursday.   We have read the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ and all the children have agreed that they will be very helpful not like the animals in the story.

As part of our Celebration the children would like to bring in some food from home and set up a Harvest Festival display in the class room (this will then be added to the whole school Harvest collection on Friday). 

Some of the work we have done is displayed in outside the classroom in our Reflection area.

Read write inc – ‘h’

Today the children in Class 1 looked a the letter ‘h’.   They practised saying this bouncy sound – h-h-h-h.  They looked at pictures and objects that begin with’h’.

When writing the letter we say ‘ Down the head to the hooves and over his back.’


The story of 5

Over the next few days the children will be looking at different ways to make 5.  Today some of the class played 5 pin bowling!  We made our number number sentences by adding together how many had been knocked down an dhow many were still standing, each time we found it still made 5!