Pancake maths

This week our focus story is ‘The Runaway pancake’.  We have linked our maths work to pancakes.  On Monday we looked at our favourite pancake toppings and made a class pictogragh, we found out the jam was the favourite topping in the Class, and in 2nd equal; lemon juice with sugar and maple syrup.

The children have used the coins to buy pancakes, they had to work out how much they needed to pay using our pennies. We also looked at how the price doubles when the pancakes cost 2p rather than 1p.

Some children investigated how they could share 10 strawberries between 2 pancakes and wrote their own calculations!



Maths – early subtraction

This week our focus story has been ‘The 3 Little Pigs’.  We have used this as a basis for our Maths.  The children have enjoyed singing songs such as 10 pigs in a bed and 10 Little Piggies went walking one day and have been able to say and show how many are left each time.

Over the week they have made up number subtraction stories using the farm animals, used number lines to count back and have a go at recording their number sentences.


Read, Write inc

This week the children have revised:  m   a    s   d   t  i  n  p  g  o  c k u  b f e l h sh ck r j v y

Focused on:  w, th, z, ch, qu

They have used these sounds to form words containing these letters,  for example:  thin, thick, this, zag, zip, chin, chop, chat, quiz, quit

We have also looked at some split digraphs this week:

a-e – Make a cake

i-e – nice smile

3 Little Pigs

Today we built some new houses for the 3 Little Pigs – A house of blocks, cardboard and straw.  We then tried to find out which was the best house.  We discovered our house of card was no good in the rain as it went soggy. Our house of straw looked good, but it blew down when we huffed and puffed.  Our block house was the best and we thought would be even better if we could cement it together!


Walk around the village

This week we walked around the village to find out what some of the buildings and areas are used for.  We chose a very cold and snowy afternoon for our walk!



Special Places – school walk

This week we talked about our School as a special place.  We drew a map of  all the rooms we knew about and then set off to explore.

The children discovered new rooms and investigated the purposes of different areas.

Some children even managed to sneak into a very important room -Mrs Johnson’s office…



This week we have concentrated on addition. We started the week by looking at one more.  Our theme story was ‘The Enormous Turnip’, so the children started by acting out the story and then working out how many people /animals were helping to pull the turnip the out.  We used fruit and vegetables and the farm animals to make our own addition stories,

Read, Write inc

This week we have revised:  m   a    s   d   t  i  n  p  g  o  c k u  b f e l h sh ck   r j v y 

New sounds:

ou – shout it out 

oy – toy for a boy 

ea – cup of tea  

The children have applied phonic knowledge to read,  make (magnetic letters) and write words containing this weeks sounds and form CVC words.

This week’s words:    red, run, rat, jog, jet, jam, vet, yap, yes, yum, web, win, wish, wet, sock




Special places

This half term we have been been looking at Special Places.  The children have talked about and drawn their Special place and explained why it is special to them.


We would like it if you can talk to your child about their Special place/s too and if possible send in photographs. We would also like to know about any Special family places, e.g. Where you got married, your child was Christened (photos of the church), places you visit.


Thank you.

Miss Lloyd

Foot size investigation

Thank you for providing the Class with shoes to sort, wrapping paper and boxes this week.

On Tuesday the children found lots of different sized shoes, they ordered them in length order.

Some children started to think about who the shoes belonged too, some children thought the biggest shoes would belong to the tallest person.

This led onto the class thinking about how they could investigate and find out.

We decided to measure the height of each child in the class, make a footprint and cut it out.  From there the children were able to order the footprints and work out if the tallest children in the class really did have the biggest feet.!

Our investigation revealed that the tallest person in our class didn’t not have the biggest feet.