1st week at School

The children in Class 1 have had a super start to their first week at school.  They have been very busy in the class room and outside area.  They have all done really well and we are really proud of the class.

This week we have looked at the letter sounds ‘m’ and ‘a’.  The children have also practised how to form these letters:

m – Maisie Mountain, mountain

a- around the apple and down the leaf

In Maths we have looked at number 1 and the concept of ‘oneness; – one is a single unit and it doesn’t matter about the size of what is been counted e.g. one elephant, one ant. The children then explored what happens when there is another 1 and  how they come together to make 2 and how 2 can be separated into 1 and another 1.

The children did really well changing into their PE kits and taking part in their first dance lesson with Mr Sudlow.  This term they will be basing their dance moves on music from the Jungle book.

All children have now been allocated a reading book and they have all chosen a library book to share with you at home.

Class 1 round up

Class 1 have been very busy this last week.

Read Write Inc:

The children have continued to revise all of Set 1 and Set 2 sounds/words  and learn Set 3 sounds/words.  Over the week we have sent home the story words and ditties for you to practise at home.  We have also looked at

are/air  (care and share / That’s not fair)

ow / o-e   (Blow the snow / Phone home)


green words 1


green words 2


green words 3

The children have used their phonics knowledge to write sentences using words with these sounds.  Some children have also made a Wanted poster for one of the characters from their group Story Book  – Black Hat Bob.


We have concentrated on understanding the parts of numbers to 10 and what a teen number is (tens and ones).  The children have used a variety of resources to help them show and explain their reasoning.

Here is a lovely 10 frame activity to play (the fill option)  https://www.nctm.org/Classroom-Resources/Illuminations/Interactives/Ten-Frame/


Image result for rumble in the jungle story

We have enjoyed the story Rumble in the Jungle – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRplFz5SGz0

We have moved like the animals in the story and discussed what our favourites are.  Next week we will research and write about our favourite animal/s.

Understanding the World/RE

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about the celebration of Wesak (Budda’s birthday).   The children have talked about how we treat each other and linked this to our whole school theme of Kindness. To find out more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/lets-celebrate-wesak



We have used our P.E. slots to practise for Sports Day, more information will be sent out soon about the team your child is in and colour t- shirt that your child will need.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend  🙂


Class 1 have been using 10 frames to make 2 digit numbers.

Bean plants homework project

Class 1 children were all excited to take home their bean stalks.  Over the last few weeks the children have  carefully monitored the growth and compared whose has grown the tallest / most each day.  They were also very good at making sure they all got watered.

We would like you and your child to keep a record of their bean and how well it continues to grow.  I look forward to seeing updates on Tapestry.

It seems a long time ago since we planted them!

Read Write inc

This week the children have continued to revise and use the sounds taught over the year.

Our focus sounds were:

i-e – a nice smile

igh – fly high

Thank you for feeding back on how your child is getting on with reading their ditties and group book words.  We have enjoyed reading some of the sentences children have written at home and shared on Tapestry.


This week Class 1 have been busy sorting 2d shapes using different criteria.