Here are some ideas for work you can do at home today. I am sure lots of you will be getting out in the snow, making snowmen, snow angels, snowballs and sledging. We would love to see snowy day activity photos on Tapestry.
Read Write inc –
If your child has a sound blending book, please practise reading the words – Fred Talk, say the word.
Handwriting – all children in Reception were given a green Set 1 book . Your child can use this to practise writing out some of the letters, especially the ones in their name. They can also use a notebook/paper or get a stick and write letters in the snow.
GREEN Group (Mrs Allen) – Practise the sound ‘oy’ Hold a sentence (you will need a paper and pencil)
Year 1: Please check on Tapestry for the sounds your child should be practising
GREEN Group (Mrs Allen) – Hold a sentence (you will need a paper and pencil)
ORANGE Group (Mrs Haycocks) Hold a sentence (you will need a paper and pencil)
YELLOW Group (Mrs Law) – Hold a sentence (you will need a paper and pencil)
Read the Book Bag book in your child’s Reading Wallet.