English – We have been continuing to focus on punctuation and writing sentences including capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. We have also been using commas in lists and using the apostrophe to mark singular possession in nouns.
Maths – We have been solving problems by using tens and ones in addition – identifying and explaining mistakes, describing number patterns and finding different ways to represent a number in a number sentence. We have also been using a place value chart to represent 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Science – Introduction to our topic on ‘Animals, including humans’. The children have been discussing the basic needs for survival and identifying what we ‘need’ (e.g. food, water) and what we ‘want’ (television, toys).
RE – The children listened to the story of ‘Creation’ and looked at / discussed a range of images representing the days of creation. They had a go at drawing what would be in day 6.
Spellings – To be tested Friday 21st September. 14.9.18
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Thomas