English – This week the children started to read ‘Toby and the great fire of London’. They worked in groups and acted out what they thought the character Toby might see as he walked through the streets of London in 1666. They then used this work to help them write an information text by describing what jobs were like in the past and using subheadings and conjunctions to separate and extend their ideas.
In Read, Write, Inc the blue group have been reading ‘Sanjay stays in bed’ and the red group have been reading ‘Grow your own radishes’. The rest of the class have been working independently forming nouns by using the suffix -ness, e.g. kindness, happiness, lonliness. They have been changing words and then using them in their own sentences, remembering to try and use lots of detail and extend their ideas.
Maths – In maths we have been continuing working with money. The children have been counting money using notes and coins and selecting the correct money to match totals given. They have all tried really hard with this and it has really helped with them starting to learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables to help them work out totals more efficiently. Thank you for your support with this.
Science – We have been identifying where different materials are used in our homes. The children recorded examples of materials made from wood, paper, fabric, glass, rock, metal, plastic and ceramics.
Spellings – To be tested on Friday 25th January
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran