English – This week the children have been identifying features of a newspaper report by finding the facts, an eye witness statement and conjunctions. They then used these features to help them plan their own newspaper report about the Great Fire of London, including a headline, facts, answering where/why/how/who/what questions and a quote about the events.
In Read, Write, Inc the green group have been reading ‘Billy the kid’ and have written descriptions about the troll in the story, thinking about describing it’s eyes, skin and feet using lots of interesting adjectives. The yellow group have been reading ‘Hunt the tortoise’ and have written an invitation to a picnic, thinking carefully about including all the features discussed, e.g. who it’s to, where it is, when it is. The rest of the class have been working independently revising the ‘ar’ sound in words and have written their own phoneme spotter story using as many ‘ar’ words as possible which they have looked at this week.
Maths – We have been adding equal groups together and writing a number sentence to describe what each groups shows (repeated addition). The children have also been introduced to the multiplication symbol and have been writing further repeated addition and multiplication sentences to represent groups of objects. They have also been solving multiplication problems using their knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
Science – We watched a range of short video clips about where different materials come from (wood, plastic, rock, metal and ceramics). The children found out and discussed where materials come from, whether they are natural or man-made and found out additional information about the materials they have looked at.
Spellings – To be tested on Friday 8th March. 01.03.19
World Book Day – Please can all children bring in their favourite book next Thursday (7th March) so we can share them in class. We are looking forward to an exciting day of activities!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran