Class 3 weekly update – 6/9/19

Welcome back Class 3!  The children have all had a great first week back and have all settled in well to class.  This is what we have done this week…

English – In Read, write, inc the blue group have been reading ‘The Poor Goose’ and writing about winning.  The pink group have been reading ‘The dressing up box’ and writing about dressing up.  The rest of the class have been using the correct punctuation (capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas and apostrophes) in sentences and using pronouns to replace the noun in sentences to improve their writing.

Maths – Our unit is ‘Place value’.  This week we have been counting to 100 / in hundreds, representing numbers to 100 / 1,000 and using part, part whole models to represent numbers as tens & ones and hundreds, tens & ones.  They have been using equipment such as Base 10 to work practically during the lesson to support their understanding of number.

Science – This week we started our new topic ‘Light and Sound’.  The children first of all discussed what they already know about light and had lots of fantastic ideas!  They then looked at shadows and had lots of fun making shadows using a torch and a range of objects and going outside to find their own shadows!

RE – This week the children went outside and carried out a range of activities to identify ‘wow’ factors in nature.  They started by listening to ‘natures symphony’ and had a go at making these sounds using resources from nature.  Then they hunted for examples of nature and found lots of lovely colours.

Spellings- To be tested on Friday 13th September – 6.9.19

Please can they write some sentences in their spellings books using their list of spellings.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update 28.6.19

English – At the start of the week the children were generating open and closed questions relating to sea creatures and ranking them in order of importance.  They then discussed and clarified the meaning of words by identifying which were unfamiliar, then researched and recorded their meaning and used them in a context.

In Read Write Inc the green group have been reading ‘In the sun’ and writing a postcard about what activities they like to do at the seaside.  It has already made us think of our summer holidays coming soon!  The yellow group have been reading ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and writing in the role of the character Seth in the story about what happened with the gingerbread man.  The blue and red group have been learning how the prefix ‘un’ changes the meaning of verbs and adjectives and using these in their own sentences.  They have also been recognising and writing different types of sentences – statements, questions, commands and exclamations.

Maths – This week the children have been working practically to describe movements and turns using the key vocabulary: up, down, forwards, backwards, left, right, quarter turn, half turn, three quarter turn, full turn, clockwise and anti-clockwise.  There has been a lot of information to take in and the children have really enjoyed giving / following instructions to move around the playground.  They ended the week by using their knowledge of movement and turns to describe and record their own directions on a map to locate different objects.

RE – In RE the children have been continuing their topic on ‘The Five Pillars of Islam’.  They have been learning about the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and what happens during this important time of the year and why it is so important to Muslims.  They also linked their understanding to how they observe other religious times and important times in their own lives, e.g. giving gifts at Christmas.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 5th July. 28.06.19

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sun we have all been waiting for!

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update – 21/6/19

English – The children have been drawing on background information to fill in the missing information about sea turtles.  They read through the information provided and sorted what they found out under the subheadings; What are they?  What habitat do they live in?  How do they sense things?  What do they eat?  How do they move?  How long do they live for?  Then they ensured that a piece of text made sense by recalling facts about sea turtles and selecting the correct word to complete factual sentences.

In Read Write Inc the red group have been reading the story ‘Our house’ and writing about their own bedroom and living room.  The blue group have been reading ‘A bad fright’ and writing about scaring people and the wicked witch in the story.  The rest of the class have been forming plurals by adding the s/es suffix to words and adding ‘es’ to nouns/verbs ending in ‘y’.

Maths – In maths this week the children have continued to look at measures.  They have been ordering length and heights using the standard units cm/m, measuring liquids in millilitres and litres and measuring temperature in degrees Celsius.  They read scales going up in intervals of 2,5 and 10.

Science – This week we have been identifying organisms as producers, consumers and decomposers.  The children used an interactive program to correctly identify each organism into these three groups.  They then independently researched these groups to find out some additional information.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 28th June.  21.6.19

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update – 14/6/19

English – We have been identifying the features of a non-chronological report.  The children looked at a piece of text about sharks and identified the following features – the tense it was written in, subject specific language and generic vocabulary.  They then organised information using facts and information about the Great Barrier Reef by using the appropriate sub-headings.

In Read Write Inc the green group have been reading ‘Tab the cat’ and writing about how they would look after a pet of their own.  Yellow group have been reading ‘Tom Thumb’ and designing a poster to describe the character Tom Thumb.  The rest of the class have been using the correct suffix for plurals (s/es and y/ies) and writing them in their own sentences.

Maths – This week we have been comparing length by estimating the length of an object, then identifying which is the longer / shorter length.  Then we measured the weight of objects using kilograms.  The children used a range of objects to make sensible estimates then weighed them on a pair of scales.  Then they compared capacity and volume through practical activities to explain and order different containers and explain their volume in terms of 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 full.

Science – The children completed some follow up work from their visit to the Shropshire Discovery Centre last week.  They used their survey findings to discuss which minibeasts they found in the pond and meadow areas and displayed their information using a block graph.  The children enjoyed talking about what they had found!

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 21st June. 14.06.19

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update – 7/6/19

English – This week we have been making a prediction about the purpose of a text by identifying what a contents pages is for, predicting what the topic of the text is and predicting who the text is aimed at.  The children created a spider diagram using the information they learnt from watching videos about the Great Barrier Reef and added information from further research.  Then they used an information piece of text to make a prediction about the text, extract information from it  and record what they found out.

In Read Write Inc the blue group have been reading ‘I think I want to be a bee’ and writing about writing about what they want to be when they grow up.  They had lots of interesting suggestions, including a fox and a horse!    Others wanted to be a firefighter, vet, pilot and rock star! The red group have been reading ‘King of birds’ and writing a story about a boy called Otto who told a fib to get his friends to like him more.  The yellow and green group have been reading and writing compound words (e.g. arm + chair = armchair, tooth + brush = toothbrush).  They have then been using these in their own sentences and correcting them in sentences.

Maths – This week the children have been looking at measures.  At the start of the week they measured objects to the nearest centimetre and metre and recorded what they found out.  They then compared the mass (weight) of objects by predicting which objects were heavier/lighter using non-standard units (cubes).  Then they started to find the mass of objects using standard units (grams).  They have all enjoyed the practical aspects of finding measures this week and have worked really well together.

Topic – The children have been looking at the physical features of Australia this week, including; the Great Barrier Reef, the Daintree Rainforest, the Pinnacles Desert, the Blue Mountains, the Twelve Apostles and Ayres Rock.

Class 2 and 3 had a fantastic time on their trip to ‘Shropshire Discovery Centre this week.  They took part in lots of fun activities including, pond dipping, a meadow walk and finding different minibeasts in their habitats.  They will be doing some follow up work during their science lesson next week.

Spellings- To be tested on Friday 14th June 07.06.19

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

English / Maths – All the children have been doing their end of Key stage 1 SATs in reading and maths this week.  They had two reading papers and two maths papers (arithmetic and reasoning).  They have all tried really hard with these, well done Class 3!

Science – This week we looked at describing how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals using the idea of the food chain.  The children were introduced to the terms ‘producer’, ‘consumer’, ‘predator’ and ‘prey’ and looked together at creating a food chain.  They then worked in pairs to complete interactive tasks to make a range of food chains, thinking carefully where the plants/animals were placed each time.  You can find this link at       http://•

RE – In RE the children have been looking at the lyrics in some Christian songs and hymns – ‘My Lighthouse’, ‘God who made the earth’ and ‘Jesus loves me’.  They worked in groups and discussed the meaning of the lyrics and what Christians might learn about God from the songs.

Art – This week we looked at different images of snakes showing their different patterns and made links to the rainbow serpent – a common motif in the art and religion of Aboriginal Australia.  The children made collages using coloured paper to create their own snake patterns.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 7th June 24.05.19

Please can children write sentences using all their spellings in their test books.

Please can children bring in a kitchen roll tube after the holidays for an art project Miss Francis has planned.

Hope you have a fantastic half term break!

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

English – At the start of the week the children planned a persuasive leaflet about Bicton Primary School.  They made sure they included rhetorical questions, adjectives and persuasive language in their work.

In Read, Write, Inc the green group have been reading ‘Scruffy Ted’, then discussing and writing about the different toys in the story.  Yellow group have been reading ‘Off sick’, then discussing and writing about being off sick from school.  Blue and red group have been reading and writing compound words and using these in their own sentences.  A compound word is made up of two separate words which are joined together to make a new word, e.g. bath + room = bathroom, arm + chair = armchair.  They were all very familiar with these types of words and were able to spot them in a range of texts.

Maths – The children have been telling the time using o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.  They have also been continuing with their work on fractions by finding the equivalence between the fractions one half (1/2) and two quarters (2/4) and finding three quarters (3/4) in shapes and different amounts.  They have used 2D shapes and a range of counting equipment to help them work out each of these fractions.  At the end of the week they used their knowledge and understanding of fractions to recognise, find, name and write all the fractions they have looked at – halves, thirds and quarters of different shapes/ amounts.

Science – This week we looked at identifying and naming a variety of animals in their natural habitats.  The children were able to share lots of examples from what they knew already.  They then worked in pairs to complete interactive activities to find a number of animals in their habitats, including ponds, gardens, coral and nocturnal animals. You can find this link on:   

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 24th May.  17.05.19

Please can children write sentences for each of their spellings in their test books.

Next week Year 2 will be taking their end of key stage 1 SATs tests in reading and maths.   They have all worked really hard over the last few weeks in preparation for them. We wish them lots of luck with this!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

English – In Read, Write, Inc this week the red group have been reading ‘Hairy Fairy’ which is all about a fairy who couldn’t get a job because he was so hairy!  They discussed the story and wrote a letter in the role as the fairy hairy to ask the Fairy Queen for a job with Father Christmas. The blue group have been reading ‘Playday’ which is all about children playing different different games in class.  They discussed the story and wrote about playing.

The rest of the class have been focusing on identifying and writing past and present progressive forms of verbs in sentences.  Past progressive sentences (a sentence that uses was / were and then a verb with the ‘ing’ suffix): e.g. We were playing football all afternoon.  Present progressive sentences (a sentence that uses is / are and then a verb with the ‘ing’ suffix): e.g. My friends are jumping.

Maths – The children have been looking at telling the time using half past, o’clock, quarter past and quarter to.

They have also been recognising and finding a third of shapes and amounts.  They used shapes to find one third in as many different ways as they could and used equipment such as bar models and counters to find one third of amounts by sharing objects into three equal groups.  Some children were also able to link this to the 3 times tables.  They have also been using non-unit fractions to recognise, make and write the fractions 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 1/3 and 2/3.

Science – This week we have been exploring and comparing the differences between things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive and sorting objects into these categories.  We also linked this to our work on MRS GREN last week (all the common characteristics shared by all living things), e.g. movement, respiration, sense.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 17th May.  Please write at least 4 sentences using these words in spellings book.  10.05.19

Letters sent home today – Summer newsletter for Class 3.  summer newsletter

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

English – This week the children have been looking at features of persuasive texts.  They started by looking at some examples of texts and found features such as rhetorical questions, adjectives and emotive language and discussed this with their English buddy.  They used these features to then create a piece of persuasive writing of their own to persuade somebody to try their own amazing Easter egg!

In Read, write, inc the green group read the story ‘Puppets’ and discussed/wrote about different types of puppets.  The yellow group read the story ‘Duckchick’ and discussed/wrote about how mama hen got a shock when one of her eggs hatched as a duck!  The red and blue groups have been identifying progressive forms of verbs in the past and present tense.  They looked at a range of sentences and identified the difference between the types of sentences.  PRESENT PROGRESSIVE – A sentence that uses is/are and then a verb with the ‘ing’ suffix.  For example, My friends are jumping.  PAST PROGRESSIVE – A sentence that uses was/were and then a verb with the ‘ing’ suffix.  For example, We were making friendship bracelets all afternoon.

Maths – The children have been focusing on fractions this week.  They have been finding half of numbers, e.g. 1/2 of 12 and using equipment such as a part whole model and counters to help them divide numbers equally by 2.  Then they were recognising and finding a quarter of shapes and numbers.  They used further equipment such as smarties and cake to help them divide shapes/numbers by 3 equal parts.

Science – They started their new unit ‘Living things and their habitats’.  The children were introduced to the common characteristics shared by all living things – MRS GREN (Movement, Respiration, Sense, Growth, Reproduce, Excrete, Nutrition).  They all joined in well with discussion about each of these features and understanding what each one meant.  We even did some actions to help us remember each one!

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 10th May. 03.05.19

Thank you everyone for your help with bringing in lots of plastics and pebbles….the children are going to have lots of fun with  our upcoming art projects!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas and Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

This week the children have been working really hard to complete end of term assessments in reading, writing and maths.  Well done Class 3!

In maths they have also been introduced to the concept of symmetry.  They used a range of practical resources to enable them to understand the concept of shapes being halved on their vertical line of symmetry, such as paper folding.  They worked practically to fold a range of 2D shapes to find a vertical and horizontal line of symmetry.  They also identified shapes with incorrect lines of symmetry and explained why.  Then they completed drawing a shape using a line of symmetry and labelled the lines of symmetry.

In English they have been planning and writing a set of instructions.  They were asked to include the following features in their work: a list of ingredients, time conjunctions (e.g. firstly), imperative verbs (e.g. cut, put) and adverbs (e.g. carefully).  The children all worked hard with their independent written pieces of work.

In DT the children have been working on the project ‘puppets’ all this week.  They have looked at different types of puppets and described their features; made a finger puppet; practised their sewing skills (running stitch and over stitch); designed an Easter themed hand puppet and then made their own puppet.  They have had lots of fun making their puppet and adding all the features using a range of coloured felts and materials.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 3rd May  spellings 12.4.19

The next spellings test will be a revision of spelling patterns they have looked at over the Spring term.  They will be tested on the same amount of spellings in their group. Please can children write at least five sentences using a selection of spellings of their own choice from the Spring term in their spelling test books.

Holiday homework – Please can children bring in a large pebble and any plastic items (e.g. milk bottle tops, bottles, bags) for the first week back.  These will be for our upcoming art projects linked to our new topic work.  This will be revealed next term!

We hope you have a very happy Easter and a much deserved rest!

Mrs Thomas and Miss Moran