English – At the start of the week the children planned a persuasive leaflet about Bicton Primary School. They made sure they included rhetorical questions, adjectives and persuasive language in their work.
In Read, Write, Inc the green group have been reading ‘Scruffy Ted’, then discussing and writing about the different toys in the story. Yellow group have been reading ‘Off sick’, then discussing and writing about being off sick from school. Blue and red group have been reading and writing compound words and using these in their own sentences. A compound word is made up of two separate words which are joined together to make a new word, e.g. bath + room = bathroom, arm + chair = armchair. They were all very familiar with these types of words and were able to spot them in a range of texts.
Maths – The children have been telling the time using o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. They have also been continuing with their work on fractions by finding the equivalence between the fractions one half (1/2) and two quarters (2/4) and finding three quarters (3/4) in shapes and different amounts. They have used 2D shapes and a range of counting equipment to help them work out each of these fractions. At the end of the week they used their knowledge and understanding of fractions to recognise, find, name and write all the fractions they have looked at – halves, thirds and quarters of different shapes/ amounts.
Science – This week we looked at identifying and naming a variety of animals in their natural habitats. The children were able to share lots of examples from what they knew already. They then worked in pairs to complete interactive activities to find a number of animals in their habitats, including ponds, gardens, coral and nocturnal animals. You can find this link on: www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/seekandfind/ Â
Spellings – To be tested on Friday 24th May.  17.05.19
Please can children write sentences for each of their spellings in their test books.
Next week Year 2 will be taking their end of key stage 1 SATs tests in reading and maths.  They have all worked really hard over the last few weeks in preparation for them. We wish them lots of luck with this!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran