Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 6th November

Dear Parents/Carers,

Class 3 children have been asked to write  about something they have done over half term. It can be about somewhere they have been or someone they have spent time with or we discussed how they could use their imagination and make up something they have done  – for example, pretending they went on a visit to the moon. The choice is up to them.

This homework is due in on Friday 6th November. Apologies that it hasn’t come home with your child – the printer broke in school on Friday!

Have a lovely half term all.

Miss Barratt

Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 18th September 2015

Class 3 Homework

Due in Friday 18th September 2015

As another way for me to get to know you a little bit better and find out what sorts of things you like, I would like you to tell me all about your favourite book or a book you have read recently.

Use the writing frame below to write a book review.

Remember to make sure your work is neat.

Stickers will be ready to be given for fantastic work! I was very impressed with your holiday homework which you will be given back next week (with lots of lovely stickers I am sure)!

The homework is split into groups – your child should know which group they are in (if they have forgotten please don’t hesitate to ask)!

Armstrong Group Homework

Columbus, Scott and Cook Group Homework

Fiennes Group Homework