Class 3 Homework

The children have been set some homework on purple mash to complete over half term. It is due in on Friday 3rd March.

I have handed out paper copies to the children who requested them.

Their task is to complete an information page/poster about everything they can remember about the Roman Army and Roman Soldiers. They can use key features they have learned in class such as headings, sub-headings, pictures and captions.


Class 3 Homework

This week the children have been set some maths homework on purple mash (paper copies have been given out to the  children who requested them).

The children need to use the shapes provided and describe their properties in as much detail as they can. Here are some key words to help them with their descriptions:

Regular, Irregular, angles, right angle, obtuse angle, acute angles, sides, equal.

This homework is due in on Friday 3rd February.

Class 3 Weekly Update

It’s been another great week in Class 3…..

English – We have continued reading some Roman Myths. The children have done some independent writing where they were re-telling a myth from the perspective of one of the main characters. They have also done some research on Roman gods/goddesses and have even created their own!

Maths – We have been learning about different types of angles this week – right angle, obtuse and acute. We have also been learning about how many degrees are in different turns and have played some games to practise using lots of good mathematical language relating to this.

French – We have begun to learn the names for different items of clothing this week.

Computing – The children have continued to practise their programming skills by playing on scratch.

RE – We have continued to learn about the Holy Trinity. The children matched some kenning poems to each part of the trinity – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit –  and then had a go at writing some of their own.

PSHE – We have been looking at bullying this week – what it is and how we can spot it.

PE – We have continued to learn some country dancing this week and have done some fitness activities.

The children have been set some maths homework on purple mash this week. Children who needed paper copies have been given these as requested. This homework is due in on Friday 3rd February.

Have a lovely weekend!

Class 3 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

The children have been set a Christmas Holiday homework on purplemash. They have been asked to write a poem about winter or snow. We have been doing lots of work on poetry over the last few weeks and they are very good at writing poems.

There are prompts on the left hand side of the homework online but I have told the children to ignore these and just focus on:

-Descriptive language

– Repetition

– Structuring and organising their poem correctly

This homework is due in on Friday 6th January. I have provided paper copies for the children who said they needed them.

Also, I have reminded children that they are expected to be learning their times tables each week. It is really important they continue to learn them throughout the year as this will help them in many different areas of  maths. We will begin to do times tables tests next term.

Thank you for your continued support throughout this term, it is very much appreciated. I hope you have a very happy Christmas. See you in the new year!


Dear Parents and Carers,

The children have not been set spellings this week as next week is very busy with other things going on.

I have told the children that as their homework (this week and over Christmas) I would like them to work really hard on learning their times tables.

Year 3 children need to know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3.

Year 4 children need to know all times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.

I have told children not to overwhelm themselves but to focus on one times table a week to really try to get to grips with.

Thank you for your support with this,

Miss Barratt

Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 18th November

Class 3 have been set some homework on Purple mash this week. Their task is to write a book review of the story ‘The Twits’ which we have been reading together in class.

I have given out paper copies to children who needed it and have attached a copy below.


Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 14th October

Dear Parents/Carers,

Class 3 have been set a homework on purplemash this week. Their homework is to create their own Marvellous Medicine and write the instructions of how to make it. This is reinforcing work we have done in class so children will know they need to use time and cause conjunctions, imperative verbs and adverbs if they can.

Your child has been taught how to use Purplemash this week and has been given their password. If they can not find this please let me know so I can print them another copy. The homework can be completed on laptop or iPad devices. If there is a problem and your child is unable to complete their homework online please let me know so I can supply them with a paper copy.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt

Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 30th September 2016

The homework this week is to support work we have been doing in class on Place Value. The children are now using their knowledge of Place Value to problem solve.

It is important for the children to be able to reason about their answers. Therefore you may like to ask them questions such as, How do you know this is the largest number you can make? How did you find the answer? What would happen if…..? etc. 

We always encourage the children to have a go independently before asking for help. If your child has had a go and they are finding it difficult, please feel free to support them and maybe just write a note on the homework saying that you did so.

Completion of homework is recognised and rewarded within school. Children who do not complete their homework are asked to complete it during a playtime.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop in and speak to me.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt



