This week the children have been set some homework relating to work we have done in class.
There are different activities within each year group, if your child looses their homework and you are unsure which activity they were given, please just pop in and ask.
You are more than welcome to support your child with their homework. If you do, please could you write a note on it stating that you did so.
Year 2 – The children have some homework relating to expanded noun phrases. They have been learning how to put two adjectives before a noun and using a comma to separate them, e.g. The cute, fluffy rabbit.
Some of the Year 2’s have been given a capital letter sheet also in order to revise using capital letters at the start of their sentences.
Activity 1: yr2grp1
Activity 2: y2grp2
Year 3 – The children have been given some homework on adverbs where they are identifying them and practising using them in sentences.
Activity 1: yr3grp1
Activity 2: yr3grp2
Activity 3: yr3grp3