Class 3 work wc 30.3.20

Good morning Class 3,

We really hope that you are all happy and well and your first week at home has gone well.  We are missing you all so much but hope that you are having lots of fun at home with your family.  It has certainly been a very strange time, but we are one week closer to getting back to normal life.  Hopefully it won’t be too long until we can see you all again.  Thank you for your emails and sharing what some of you have been up to, it’s been lovely to to hear – you have certainly been very busy.  Please do continue to email any work or share what activities you have been doing, they really are wonderful to see.

Here are the links for the learning projects for this week:

YEAR 2   Week-1 WC 30.3.20 -Learning-Project-year 2

YEAR 3   Week-1 WC 30.3.20 -Learning-Project-year 3

Have a good week.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

This week the children have been working really hard to complete end of term assessments in reading, writing and maths.  Well done Class 3!

In maths they have also been introduced to the concept of symmetry.  They used a range of practical resources to enable them to understand the concept of shapes being halved on their vertical line of symmetry, such as paper folding.  They worked practically to fold a range of 2D shapes to find a vertical and horizontal line of symmetry.  They also identified shapes with incorrect lines of symmetry and explained why.  Then they completed drawing a shape using a line of symmetry and labelled the lines of symmetry.

In English they have been planning and writing a set of instructions.  They were asked to include the following features in their work: a list of ingredients, time conjunctions (e.g. firstly), imperative verbs (e.g. cut, put) and adverbs (e.g. carefully).  The children all worked hard with their independent written pieces of work.

In DT the children have been working on the project ‘puppets’ all this week.  They have looked at different types of puppets and described their features; made a finger puppet; practised their sewing skills (running stitch and over stitch); designed an Easter themed hand puppet and then made their own puppet.  They have had lots of fun making their puppet and adding all the features using a range of coloured felts and materials.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 3rd May  spellings 12.4.19

The next spellings test will be a revision of spelling patterns they have looked at over the Spring term.  They will be tested on the same amount of spellings in their group. Please can children write at least five sentences using a selection of spellings of their own choice from the Spring term in their spelling test books.

Holiday homework – Please can children bring in a large pebble and any plastic items (e.g. milk bottle tops, bottles, bags) for the first week back.  These will be for our upcoming art projects linked to our new topic work.  This will be revealed next term!

We hope you have a very happy Easter and a much deserved rest!

Mrs Thomas and Miss Moran



Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 6th July

Year 2 – The year 2 children have been asked to complete pages 27 – 28 of their maths arithmetic booster book which they were given back today.

Year 3 – The Year 3 children have been set some homework relating to division. Please see copies below.

y3 div hw1

y3 div hw2

y3 div hw3

Class 3 Homework – Due in Monday 11th June

Apologies – in the mad rush at the end of the day I have forgotten to give out the homework! I will give it to the children on the first Monday back and the children can hand it in on Monday 11th June instead alternatively, year 3 parents, feel free to print the homework below.

Year 2 – The Year 2 children have been asked to complete pages 18 and 19 from their SATS Booster Reasoning Maths Book. I realise SATS are now over but there are still some valuable activities for the children to complete in order to help reinforce work we are doing in class.

Year 3 – The Year 3 children have been given some multiplication homework linked to work we have been doing in class.

y3 x hw1

y3 x hw2



Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 18th May

Please can the Year 2 children complete pages 28 – 29 of their Reading SATS Booster Book and pages 11, 14 and 15 of their Maths Reasoning SATS Booster Book. 

The Year 3 children have been set the task of writing an exciting story this week. Please see the homework attached below.

Year 3 Homework 11.05.18

Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 5th May

Year 2: The Year 2 children should’ve come home with their Reading Booster Book and Maths Reasoning Booster Book along with a note identifying the pages to complete.

Year 3: The year 3 children have been given homework relating to fractions this week:




Year 2 Homework – Due in Friday 20th April

I have asked the children to complete pages 12 – 13 and 40 – 43 from their SATS Buster Reasoning Maths book and pages 16 – 17 from the SATS Buster Reading Book. 

Please can  this be handed in on Friday 20th April.

Year 3 Homework – Due in Friday 20th April

The children have been asked to write a story about someone receiving George’s Marvellous Medicine in order to reinforce the work we have done in class.

Please see attached for further details.

Year 3 Homework

Year 2 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

The Year 2’s have been asked to complete pages 38 and 39 in their SAT Buster Maths Reasoning book this week.

Please could this be handed in on Monday 26th March so that I can set the children further work for over Easter before I leave for Condover on Tuesday 27th March.

There were a few children who didn’t have their book in school, we have had a good look for it but would appreciate it if you could look at home also.

Thank you,

Miss Barratt