Class 3 weekly update

English –   This week the children started to read ‘Toby and the great fire of London’.  They worked in groups and acted out what they thought the character Toby might see as he walked through the streets of London in 1666.  They then used this work to help them write an information text by describing what jobs were like in the past and using subheadings and conjunctions to separate and extend their ideas.

In Read, Write, Inc the blue group have been reading ‘Sanjay stays in bed’ and the red group have been reading ‘Grow your own radishes’.  The rest of the class have been working independently forming nouns by using the suffix -ness, e.g. kindness, happiness, lonliness.  They have been changing words and then using them in their own sentences, remembering to try and use lots of detail and extend their ideas.

Maths – In maths we have been continuing working with money.  The children have been counting money using notes and coins and selecting the correct money to match totals given.  They have all tried really hard with this and it has really helped with them starting to learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables to help them work out totals more efficiently.  Thank you for your support with this.

Science – We have been identifying where different materials are used in our homes.  The children recorded examples of materials made from wood, paper, fabric, glass, rock, metal, plastic and ceramics.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 25th January


Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

Hello and welcome back, we hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and new year!  Thank you for all your kind Christmas gifts and cards from the children.

Class 3 have settled back well into the new term this week and have been starting their new topics in history and science. Our science topic is ‘Uses of everyday materials’ and the children worked in small groups to discuss and share their prior learning about this topic.  Our history topic is yet to be revealed by Miss Moran next week! The children looked at picture clues to help them think about what they might be learning…they had lots of interesting ideas!

Maths – We started a new topic on ‘Money’.  This week we have been looking at counting money in pence and pounds.  Many of the children have a great understanding of using money and this has helped them to work out different totals and solve reasoning and problem style questions.

English – The children started off the week by writing a recount about what they did over the holidays.  Then in Read, write, inc the green group have been reading ‘Elvis’ and the yellow group have been reading ‘Haircuts’.  The rest of the class have been focusing on forming nouns using the suffix ‘-ness’ (e.g. happiness, sadness, tiredness).  They have been using these words in their own sentences, as well as ensuring they add lots of detail and extend their sentences using adjectives and conjunctions.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 18th January 11.01.19

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

This week the children have been completing their DT topic based on  ‘Houses’.  They looked at and described different houses from this country and from around the world, describing the features, such as the size and shape.  Then they investigated ways of creating interior features for a house – a door on hinges, making a door by scoring, a picture frame and designing wallpaper.  They were given a design brief from Erik the elf and were asked to design and make a house including; one bedroom, a nice living room with a big fireplace and chimney and to use red and green decorations.  The children then spent time thinking carefully about how they would design their house and then used a range of materials to make their own elf house.  They had lots of fun making these yesterday….lots of mess but they all enjoyed themselves!

A huge thank you to all the children for their fantastic nativity productions this week!  They have all worked so hard over the last few weeks to learn their lines and songs.  Thank you too for supporting your children to learn their lines at home.  We hope you have all enjoyed watching their performances as much as we have.

We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.  We hope you all enjoy a well deserved rest!

Mrs Thomas, Miss Moran and Mrs Walton

Class 3 weekly update

English  – In Read, Write, Inc this week Red group have been reading the story ‘Danny and the bump-a-lump’ and Blue group have been reading ‘Tab’s kitten’.  They have been involved in lots of interesting discussion about each story and have finished the week by completing a piece of writing about what they have learnt.  The rest of the class have been focusing on using coordinating conjunctions and, or, but to extend their sentences.  The children have also completed a reading assessment this week which they have all tried really hard with.

Maths – The children have carried out maths assessments this week and have tried really hard with these – well done!

Spellings – NO spellings test next Friday.  New spellings have been given out today to be tested after the holidays –  Friday 11th January.


The children are all really excited about their nativity performances next week and are looking forward to showing you all how hard they have been working over the last few weeks.  We hope you enjoy watching them.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas and Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

English – In Read, Write, Inc this week the Green group have been reading the book ‘Tag’ and the Yellow group have been reading ‘My sort of horse’.  They have discussed the story and different features of the text as well as writing sentences based on what they have learnt from the story.  The rest of the class have been focussing on using co-ordinating conjunctions (and, or, but) to join clauses and add more detail to their sentences.  They also wrote short stories, trying to use as much detail as they could.

Maths – This week the children have been using their number bonds to 10 to help them find number bonds to 100.  They started by adding multiples of 10, then went on to add other numbers, remembering to add the ones and then the tens.  Then they have been adding together three 1-digit numbers, using numbers bonds to 10 to help them add more efficiently.

RE – In RE today we looked at the nativity scene and discussed who was there at the birth of Jesus. The children then worked together to look at various parts of the story to think about what the different characters might have been thinking.  They came up with lots of great ideas.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 14th December


A letter went out today about collecting junk materials for DT.

Friday 7th December 2018 letter

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Thomas &  Miss Moran




Just a reminder that this Thursday we will be going to the Pantomime.  We will be leaving school at 9.30am and returning at 1.00pm. Children will need to bring a packed lunch to eat when we return to school. They can bring a snack to eat (nothing containing nuts please) during the interval.

Thank you

Class 3 weekly update

English – At the start of the week the children edited and improved their recounts about their trip to Chester zoo.  They all worked really hard to improve their writing by using a range of conjunctions to extend their ideas and using different punctuation.  They then planned another recount based on their own experiences and will be writing these up next week.  In Read, Write, Inc red group have been reading the book ‘Do we have to keep it?’ and blue group have been reading ‘The dressing up box’.  The rest of the class have been focusing on adding extra information to their sentences using the subordinating conjunctions when, if, that, because.

Maths – This week we have been subtracting a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number, first of all not crossing the tens, then crossing the tens by subtracting ones and tens.  The children have been using equipment such as Base 10 and number lines to help with their working out and they have solved problems linked to this work.

Science – We looked at and discussed the life cycle of a frog.  The children were shown a short video to explain how a frog grows from frogspawn, to a tadpole, to a froglet and finally a frog.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 7th December


The children have also been trying really hard with their nativity rehearsals this week in church.  We thank you for all your help and support with your children learning all their lines.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

English – This week the children used their plans from last week to write their recount about the visit to the zoo.  They focused on including time conjunctions, conjunctions and a range of punctuation in their writing.  In their Read, write, Inc work green group have been reading ‘Tim and Tom’ and yellow group have been reading ‘Come on, Margo!’  The rest of the class have been working independently to add extra information to their sentences by using the subordinating clauses when, if, that, because.

Maths – The children have been adding 2-digit numbers to 2-digit numbers.  They progressed from not crossing the tens to crossing the tens using a range of equipment such as Base 10 and drawing their own number lines to count on in tens and ones.  Some even had a go at partitioning the ones by jumping along the number line to the nearest 10 first.

Science – This week we looked at the human life cycle and how we change from being a baby to an elderly person.  The children discussed each stage of the life cycle and how they change as they get older.  We had lots of interesting discussions as a class.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 30th November


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

In English this week the children have been identifying features of a recount and identifying time conjunctions (e.g. first, then, next), conjunctions (e.g. because, and, but) and the writers thoughts and feelings.  They then used these features to plan their own recount about their visit to Chester Zoo last week, remembering to make notes in chronological order.  The children wrote some very detailed plans and we look forward to reading their recounts next week.  In Read, Write, Inc ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’ group have been working through the stories ‘Lost’ and ‘In the sun’.  The main focus for those working independently has been using the past and present tenses correctly and using them consistently in a descriptive piece of writing.

In maths the children have been focusing on subtracting a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number.  They have used a range of apparatus such as Base 10 and the number line to support them with their working out.  They have also been using their number bonds to 10 to subtract more effectively by partitioning the numbers on the number line.

In science this week we have been discussing and describing the importance of hygiene and understanding some of the ways we can stay hygienic.  The children all had a very good understanding of how they can stay hygienic, like washing their hands with soap, brushing their teeth, cleaning their ears and washing themselves.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 23rd November


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update

In English this week the children have been linking their writing to their geography topic.  They discussed and identified the human and physical features of Northern Ireland and used the information they collected to write a postcard about what they learnt.  They also looked at using conjunctions to extend their ideas and sentences.  Alongside their weekly Read, Write, Inc work the children have also been looking at past and present tenses, identifying sentences and writing a creative piece of writing ensuring they used the same tense throughout and adding lots of interesting detail to their work.

In maths we have been finding 10 more and 10 less using numbers apart from multiples of 10 (e.g. 23, 35).  They have also been adding 2-digit numbers to 1-digit numbers, crossing the tens.  They used equipment including base 10 and the number line to support their working out.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 16th November.


Class 3 had a lovely time at Chester Zoo yesterday and enjoyed seeing all the animals, especially the penguins and chimpanzees which were very funny!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran