Class 3 work for WC 23.3.20

Good morning Class 3!  Hope you’re all ready for the week ahead?

Here is the SPAG activity for the Year 3’s (page 3): SPAG year 3 WC 23.3

Science: Science plan WC 23.3

Year 2 science links: Y2 habitats WC 23.3

Year 3 science links: (Powerpoint) Y3 powerpoint for wc. 23.3

(information table / questions to answer) Y3 work for WC 23.3

If there are any questions please don’t hesitate to email.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran


Class 3 – World Book Day

Please could you bring the following in for World Book Day on Thursday 5th March:

  • Your favourite book so we can talk about in class
  •  An empty, clear, plastic bottle (500ml or 1 litre size – no bigger).  If you have a few spare that would be great!

Many thanks, Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 filming letter

Please see below a copy of the letter which was sent out today to those children for whom we have previously been given consent for their photos to be used in the press and on our public website.

I apologise for the typing error in my original letter! It should have said ‘spead of germs’ not ‘thread of germs.’

Class 3 filming letter

Mrs Johnson

Taste Testing in Class 3

Class 3 will be taking part in some taste testing on Thursday as part of their DT work.  Please can you let us know if your child has any allergies that we are not already aware of.

Many thanks, Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update – 6/9/19

Welcome back Class 3!  The children have all had a great first week back and have all settled in well to class.  This is what we have done this week…

English – In Read, write, inc the blue group have been reading ‘The Poor Goose’ and writing about winning.  The pink group have been reading ‘The dressing up box’ and writing about dressing up.  The rest of the class have been using the correct punctuation (capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas and apostrophes) in sentences and using pronouns to replace the noun in sentences to improve their writing.

Maths – Our unit is ‘Place value’.  This week we have been counting to 100 / in hundreds, representing numbers to 100 / 1,000 and using part, part whole models to represent numbers as tens & ones and hundreds, tens & ones.  They have been using equipment such as Base 10 to work practically during the lesson to support their understanding of number.

Science – This week we started our new topic ‘Light and Sound’.  The children first of all discussed what they already know about light and had lots of fantastic ideas!  They then looked at shadows and had lots of fun making shadows using a torch and a range of objects and going outside to find their own shadows!

RE – This week the children went outside and carried out a range of activities to identify ‘wow’ factors in nature.  They started by listening to ‘natures symphony’ and had a go at making these sounds using resources from nature.  Then they hunted for examples of nature and found lots of lovely colours.

Spellings- To be tested on Friday 13th September – 6.9.19

Please can they write some sentences in their spellings books using their list of spellings.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update – 12/7/19

In English the children have been looking at the homophones their/there/they’re, two/to/too, hear/here and sea/see.  They matched them up, look at the meaning of each word and used them in sentences to show the difference in meanings.

In maths the children have been completing a block graph.  They gathered the information, recorded this onto a block graph and read the information to discuss questions such as ‘Which was the most/least popular choice?’  They also had a go at a maths investigation to combine different amounts to make a total.  The problem involved counting in steps of 2, 3, 5 and 10 and combining them to make a total of 35 or 46.  The children worked well together to use their skills and understanding and show all their working out using a range of methods, e.g. part-part whole model, bar model, drawings, using apparatus.

The children have been working on their DT project this week.  They completed a taste testing activity where they tasted a range of Australian based food – vegemite, pavlova, Tim Tams, lamingtons and meat pies.  They had lots of fun tasting these, some of which they enjoyed more than others!  They have also been discussing ideas for a new pavlova recipe and thinking of alternative ingredients they could use to create a new recipe.  They then used their ideas to design their new pavlova recipe, thinking about the questions:  Who are you designing your pavlova for?  What ingredients will you use?  What equipment will you need?  What will your pavlova look like?  They had lots of interesting ideas and are all looking forward to making them next week!

Please can you bring in your ‘explorer’ costume for the celebration assembly next Wednesday.  The children are welcome to come into school ready on the morning.  Please could they bring in their uniform to change into afterwards.  The children’s song sounds great – thank you for helping them learn this at home.

Today has been Miss Francis’ last day in Class 3.  We have all enjoyed having her in class 3 and learning lots of new and exciting things.  We are all very sad to see her leave and we wish her lots of luck in her new school.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 3 weekly update – 5/7/19

English – This week we have been planning and writing a non-chronological report about sea turtles.  The children ensured they included an introduction, title, subheadings and subject specific words. These are now up on display outside the classroom and look fantastic!

They have also been using the prefix ‘un’ and using these in their own sentences and sorting different types of sentences including commands, statements, questions and exclamations.

In Read Write Inc the red group have been reading ‘The jar of oil’ and writing a letter in the role as the poor man to the prince begging him for another jar of oil.  The blue group have been reading ‘Follow me’ and writing about their experiences of riding a bike for the first time.

Maths – In maths the children have been drawing pictograms by sorting objects into different groups, recording information into a tally chart and using the data from a tally chart to record into a pictogram.  Then they were interpreting pictograms by identifying which items are the least/most popular and identifying the correct sentences referring to a pictogram.  They have also been making patterns with shapes by using quarter turns clockwise and anticlockwise.

Topic – The children have been finding out about the Daintree rainforest and answering questions such as; What is it?  Where is it?  Why is it interesting?  They then used this information to make their own PowerPoint to share their information with others.

There will be no spellings test next week – well done to all the children for working so hard to learn these over the year.

Letters sent home this week…

Songwords for the celebration assembly. AUSTRALIA If you go into the bush

Costumes for assembly and Food tasting next week. letter Friday 5th July 2019

It has been a busy week in Class 3 with the windspiration concert and two days of sports activities!  Well done everyone, enjoy a much deserved rest over the weekend.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran