Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have started to read ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ this week – which we are all thoroughly enjoying! The children have written a diary entry in character as Charlie, describing what it was like to find the golden ticket and they have done some character descriptions of the other ticket winners. They were very good at using the text to support their descriptions.

Maths: We have been learning about ‘tenths’ in maths this week and have been linking this to decimals. We have also been learning how decimals link to measurement and have been putting this into practise whilst carrying out some measuring investigations.

Science: We carried out an investigation this week involving fizzy drinks! We were finding out the weight of carbon dioxide in fizzy drinks to help us establish which one was the fizziest. The children are improving their skills of evaluating their investigation once they have carried it out.

RE: We have been learning about the timeline of the Bible in order to help us understand when Jesus was alive.

Computing: The children have been planning how to use the drawing features on publisher to create their own poster.

Well done Class 3 for another great week and an extra special well done for being so well behaved when we went to Chester! Enjoy your weekend!

We found some Golden Tickets!!

We have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Class 3 which we have all really enjoyed. Today we have written a diary in role as Charlie Bucket, describing how it felt to find a golden ticket finally! To help us imagine how Charlie felt, we went to find some hidden golden tickets around school – we were all very excited when we managed to find one!


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Class 3 Trip to The Roman Dewa Museum



We all had a fantastic day today!

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Class 3 Trip to Chester Reminder – Monday 6th March

Dear Class 3 Parents and Guardians,

As you are aware Class 3 are going to visit The Roman Dewa Museum in Chester on Monday. This is just a reminder of the key details of our trip:

• We will be leaving school after registration and will be returning to school at approximately 3:40pm.

• Children should wear school uniform. The trip will include a Roman Soldier Patrol around Chester so it is important your child wears warm clothing, comfortable shoes and a rain coat, preferably with a hood.

• Children will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink (no glass bottles please). Please can packed lunches be brought in plastic carrier bags so they can be thrown away.

• Children may bring spending money for the shop if they wish which should be in a named envelope or purse/wallet (No more than £5 please).

Both children and staff are really looking forward to the trip and it is going to be a fantastic day for all.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Miss Barratt

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have been doing some grammar work this week. We have been learning about prepositions for location, time and movement and have been creating sentences with these in. We have also revised when to use ‘an’ or ‘a’ in a sentence.

Maths: We have been learning about digital time this week and have had a go at converting analogue times to digital. We have also been calculating time intervals through word problems and have learned about am, pm, noon and midnight.

Science: We have started our new topic about ‘States of Matter’ this week. We have learned about the definitions of a solid, liquid and gas and have identified examples of these. We have also learned about particles within these and had great fun acting out on the playground how these particles behave!

History/Art: We have been putting the finishing touches to our Roman shields this week.

Computing: The children have been practising their drawing skills within publisher and have been learning how to edit shapes and lines.

PSHE: We have been discussing our feelings of anger this week. The children filled out a self-evaluation form of how they feel they deal with anger and then set themselves a target.

PE: The children have been creating their own fitness activities this week.

Well done for working so hard this week Class 3!

Book Day

We had a great day in Class 3, we spent time talking about our favourite books and then we made some party hats for our mad hatters tea party this afternoon! Well done Class 3 for such a fantastic effort with your costumes – you all looked fabulous!


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Class 3 World Book Day

Class 3 World Book Day

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Class 3 Homework

The children have been set some homework on purple mash to complete over half term. It is due in on Friday 3rd March.

I have handed out paper copies to the children who requested them.

Their task is to complete an information page/poster about everything they can remember about the Roman Army and Roman Soldiers. They can use key features they have learned in class such as headings, sub-headings, pictures and captions.