Marathon Ready!! – News from Nikki

Latest news from Nikki…

Well this week I did my last long run of 19 miles!!

According to many Marathon running plans 18-20 miles is a good guide. So I went for 19. I was advised not to do more as I have had some problems with  my Achilles and my foot arch. So for the next 3 weeks (yes, that’s all that I have left!!?) i will be doing what they call tapering and hoping to remain injury free! 

I am looking forward to joining all the children on Friday with their mini-marathon. Tell them they can prepare for it by: 1. Eating a good balanced tea the night before; 2. Get a good night’s sleep and 3. Eat a good breakfast in the morning. 

I will be doing the same thing on my marathon day too. 

Please can you remind them to BRING THEIR SPONSOR FORMS WITH THEM ON FRIDAY. Just one evening left to ask friends, family and neighbours for sponsors! 

My fundraising has been great and I now have just over £1000. If you’d like to show your support the link is


Every £ helps, and really motivates me also.


Class 3 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child has come home today with a short poem relating to one of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters. They have been asked to try their best to learn the poem for celebration assembly – this will be their homework for this week. Any support you can give them to help them learn their poem would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for your continued to support,

Miss Barratt

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We have continued our work on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this week. The children have read some of the poems/songs the Oompa Loompa’s sing about each child and then they worked in small groups to plan and write their own – they were fantastic and you may get to see a snippet of them in Celebration Assembly! We ended the week with a debate about who we think the worst behaved child is and why, using evidence from the book to support our reasons.

Maths: We have been learning how to find the perimeter of different shapes this week which has helped us practise our measuring and addition skills as well as reminding us of the properties of shapes. We have also been practising adding amounts of money – both pounds and pence.

History: This week we have done some more role-play – acting as Celts and Romans imagining what it was like when the Romans invaded Britain. We then used our role-plays to help us write a diary entry as a Celt describing what happened and how we felt about the invasion.

Art: We have been making some cards this week.

We have also begun our Celebration Assembly preparations – all the children are excited to present what they have been learning to you. We hope to see you there next Friday! Have a lovely weekend!

Class 3 Weekly Update

It’s been another hard working week in Class 3!

English: We have continued our work on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with the children doing some role play as the children who won the tickets. We have read the part in the story where the children go into the Chocolate Room and have imagined what it was like, role playing our emotions and then writing a detailed description.

Maths: We have continued our measurement work this week and have been measuring how tall we are using metres and cm and converting between the two. We have also been doing some money work, learning about place value within money and comparing different amounts.

History: This week we went into the hall with our Roman Shields and pretended to be Roman Soldiers. We learned about the different formations the Roman Army used and talked about why these were effective. The children had great fun re-creating these formations in small groups.

Computing: The children have used all they have learned the past few weeks to create a poster with both text and images in publisher.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Special Menu 24.03.17

Following the success of the pizza, pasta and salad bar special lunch, the school kitchen will be serving this menu again next Friday 24th March.

As last time, the kitchen will provide an alternative for those children who do not like pizza or pasta.

Medals Assembly 10.03.17

Today we introduced a new ‘award’ in our weekly medals assembly. One or two children from each class were nominated by their teacher to share a piece of work that they have produced this week which really stood out.  The work shared included science work on solids, liquids and gases, narrative writing on Jack and the Beanstalk, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and setting descriptions and also Winston Churchill fact files. We are looking forward to seeing more children share their work over the weeks ahead.

Well done to Will who was also the recipient of this week’s Secret Teacher award and thank you to Mrs Hughes for being our ‘secret teacher!’


Cross Country 10.03.17

We had a fantastic cross country session tonight and 47 children, over a third of the school, took part. The lovely, mild weather saw many children having to remove layers as you can see in the photo which was completely unrehearsed and I just happened to run past as some of the Class 1 girls were taking a breather! Soon after, the top of the goal post was completely obscured with many more sweatshirts and jackets being discarded!


Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 17th March

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child has been set some homework on purplemash – it’s a bit different this week as I have set them a game to play. This game will reinforce their understanding of fractions and assess their understanding so far. I have told children that they can play on it as many times as they want to but they must play on it at least once. They choose the level called ‘Pizza Rookie’ – please do not allow them to choose any other level as they will not have covered work relating to those levels.

The children who have recently joined Class 3 have been given their username and password on a laminated card which they need to keep safe. They have also come home with a letter which explains what purplemash is and how to access it.

If for any reason your child is unable to access the purplemash game at home, please could you write a note in their home-link book and I will find some time within school to allow them to complete their homework.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Barratt