Class 3 Outdoor Learning Next Week

Dear Parents/Carers,

Next week we are doing some outdoor learning linked to both our English and Maths work. We are planning to go out whatever the weather so please can your child bring in suitable clothing to school. The weather is set to be quite changeable throughout the week so it would be good if your child could bring clothing suitable for both wet and warm weather – wellies, raincoat, sun hat and sun cream. I have asked the children to bring in their clothing on Monday and leave it in school until Friday. The children still need to wear school uniform each day.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Miss Barratt

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: We began the week by planning all the persuasive language features we were going to include in our advert for our sweet/chocolate product. We have spent the rest of the week creating our poster advert on the laptops – this has been a great opportunity for the children to not only improve their persuasive writing skills but also their computing skills as they have been revising how to insert images, shapes, text boxes etc in their work.

Maths: This week we have revised the column method for addition and subtraction. I have been so impressed with how the children have progressed each day with learning a new step in these methods.In addition, all children have been practising carrying from at least one column, with some children practising it from two columns and then applying it to problems. With subtraction all children have been practising moving a ten into the ones column when you can’t do the sum with some children also learning what to do when you need to take a 10 but there is a 0 in that column. The children have worked so hard on these tricky methods and we are very impressed with their efforts! If you would like to support your child at home I would suggest that practising the column method for subtraction would benefit them most.

Science: This week we completed our water investigation where we have been learning about the processes of evaporation, condensation, melting and freezing.

D&T: The children have begun to design their packaging for their chocolate/sweet product – they will finalise these next week.

Music: The children have enjoyed practising singing games this week, relating it to rhythm and pattern.

PSHE: We have spent time discussing our feelings in different scenarios and how to cope with these feelings when we find it difficult.

RE: We have continued our work on the Easter story, focusing this week on discussing what Christians feel at different parts of the story and what this means for them today.

PE: The children have continued to enjoy their swimming and tennis lessons this week.

Just to let you know, towards the end of next week we will be going over multiplication in maths. Please can you continue to practise times tables with your child at home as this will help them in class. 

Have a lovely weekend!

Class 3 D&T

Today the children have been designing their packaging for their chocolate or sweet product. I showed the children the programme we will be using on purplemash to create our final product and have told them if they want to have a go on it at home to become familiar with it they are very welcome to do so.

The children will need to log in to their personal purplemash account and then type into the search programme ‘nets’. The programme is called ‘2Design and Make’ so children just need to click on this and launch the app when it appears. They can then spend some time exploring and trying out the programme.

I have explained to the children that this is not formal homework, it is just something they can do if they want to. Children will not be disadvantaged if they don’t have a go on it as we will be spending time in class becoming familiar with it too.

Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 12th May

This week I have sent home some maths homework relating to column addition. We are due to revise both column addition and subtraction next week so revision at home will definitely help them with our lessons next week.

Below are copies of the homework should your child loose their sheet. They should remember which one they were given.

Sheet 1 – Column Addition using pictures to develop understanding (no carrying involved).

Picture Column addition (no carrying)

Sheet 2 – Column Addition with numbers (no carrying)

Column addition no carrying

Sheet 3 – Column Addition with numbers (with carrying)

Column addition with carrying

Feel free to support your child as necessary. In class we focus on using the correct place value terminology when using column addition. For example:



We would say 4 add 2, 20 add 40 (or 2 tens add 4 tens), 300 add 500 (or 3 hundreds add 5 hundreds) – this reinforces to the children the place value columns each number is in to deepen their understanding of the method.

If you have any questions please feel free to pop in and ask.
Please can children hand in this homework by Friday 12th May.

Just a side note – some children requested two pieces of homework because they were unsure whether they could remember how to carry or not.  I have allowed them to have two but have made it clear they are not expected to complete both sheets, they can if they want to but they are only expected to complete one. I have explained that they may want to have a go at maybe 3 on the no carrying and if they are confident they can stop and have a go at the carrying sheet.

Class 3 Weekly Update

English: The children have continued to learn about persuasive writing in adverts this week. They have analysed some written adverts and have learned what a slogan and a logo is. They have designed their own slogan and logo for their chocolate/sweet product which they will use next week when creating their own poster advert.

Maths: We have continued our work on shape this week. The children have been investigating and solving problems to do with shape where they have been reinforcing their understanding of the properties of 3D shapes. They have spent some time interpreting 2D drawings as 3D models and have even had a go at drawing some of their own.

RE: We have continued with our ‘Salvation’ topic – continuing to think about how key characters in the Easter story will have felt at different points. The children have also discussed times when they have felt different emotions.

PE: The children have continued their swimming and tennis lessons this week. The children have really impressed me with their confidence at swimming with lots of children demonstrating key skills and a willingness to learn and demonstrate to others.

Choir: On Wednesday afternoon we had a choir workshop with the music teacher from Concord College. This was to prepare us for the upcoming competition in June. Children who are not involved in choir created a poster advert for Condover during this time.

Your child should have come home with a piece of maths homework this week, please see above post for further details.

Have a lovely weekend!

Class 3 Weekly Update

English – This week we have been designing and describing a new type of sweet or chocolate for Willy Wonka to make. We revised how to extend expanded noun phrases and adverbs when doing this.  We have also been watching some TV adverts to begin to create a word bank of persuasive language that we will be able to use when we come to create our own adverts.

Maths – We have been doing work on 3D shapes this week (linked to our D&T work). We have revised the language of faces, vertices and edges and have used these to describe the properties of different shapes. We have learned what a prism is and have explored the nets of different 3D shapes too,

Science: We have carried out an investigation to do with the different states of water and have learned about evaporation, condensation and evaporation. We will continue this through the next couple of weeks.

D&T: We have begun our D&T project where we will be designing and making some packaging for our new chocolate or sweet we created in English. We have started off by exploring different types of packaging and exploring the different nets and how to assemble them.

PE: The children have really enjoyed their swimming and tennis lessons this week.

Music: The children have begun a new unit of work called ‘singing games’  – they have been exploring pattern and rhythm within these.

Thank you to everyone who brought in some packaging for our D&T project. We have got lots to work with so thank you!


Thank you!

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you so much for all the packaging that has been donated to Class 3 to help us with our D&T project, it is very much appreciated and will be very useful!

Thank you!

Miss Barratt